
Before releasing, check:

Address any failures before releasing.

  1. Edit doc/whatsnew.rst to replace “Next release” with the version number and date. Make a commit with a message like “Mark vX.Y.Z in whatsnew.rst”.

  2. Tag the version, e.g.:

    $ git tag v1.2.3b4

  3. Test-build and check the source and binary packages:

    $ rm -rf build dist
    $ python bdist_wheel sdist
    $ twine check dist/*

    Address any warnings or errors that appear. If needed, make a new commit and go back to step (2).

  4. Upload the packages to the TEST instance of PyPI:

    $ twine upload -r testpypi dist/*

  5. Check at that:

    • The package can be downloaded, installed and run.

    • The README is rendered correctly.

    • Links to the documentation go to the correct version.

    If not, modify the code and go back to step (2).

  6. Upload to PyPI:

    $ twine upload dist/*

  7. Edit doc/whatsnew.rst to add a new heading for the next release. Make a commit with a message like “Reset whatsnew.rst to development state”.

  8. Push the commits and tag to GitHub:

    $ git push –tags

    Visit and mark the new release using the pushed tag.