Source code for genno.util

import logging
from functools import partial
from inspect import Parameter, signature
from typing import Iterable, Mapping, Type, Union

import pandas as pd
import pint
from dask.core import literal

from .compat.pint import PintError
from .core.key import Key

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

#: Replacements to apply to Quantity units before parsing by
#: :doc:`pint <pint:index>`. Mapping from original unit -> preferred unit.
#: The default values include:
#: - The '%' symbol cannot be supported by pint, because it is a Python operator; it is
#:   replaced with “percent”.
#: Additional values can be added with :meth:`configure`; see :ref:`config-units`.
    "%": "percent",

# For use in type hints
UnitLike = Union[str, pint.Unit, pint.Quantity]

[docs]def clean_units(input_string): """Tolerate messy strings for units. - Dimensions enclosed in “[]” have these characters stripped. - Replacements from :data:`.REPLACE_UNITS` are applied. """ input_string = input_string.strip("[]") for old, new in REPLACE_UNITS.items(): input_string = input_string.replace(old, new) return input_string
[docs]def collect_units(*args): """Return the "_unit" attributes of the `args`.""" registry = pint.get_application_registry() for arg in args: unit = arg.attrs.get("_unit") if unit is None: log.debug(f"{arg} lacks units; assume dimensionless") unit = registry.dimensionless arg.attrs["_unit"] = registry.Unit(unit) return tuple(arg.attrs["_unit"] for arg in args)
[docs]def filter_concat_args(args): """Filter out str and Key from *args*. A warning is logged for each element removed. """ for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, (str, Key)): log.warning(f"concat() argument {repr(arg)} missing; will be omitted") continue yield arg
[docs]def parse_units(data: Iterable, registry=None) -> pint.Unit: """Return a :class:`pint.Unit` for an iterable of strings. Valid unit expressions not already present in the `registry` are defined, e.g.: .. code-block:: python u = parse_units(["foo/bar", "foo/bar"], reg) …results in the addition of unit definitions equivalent to: .. code-block:: python reg.define("foo = [foo]") reg.define("bar = [bar]") u = / Raises ------ ValueError if `data` contains more than 1 unit expression, or the unit expression contains characters not parseable by :mod:`pint`, e.g. ``-?$``. """ registry = registry or pint.get_application_registry() unit = pd.unique(data) if len(unit) > 1: raise ValueError(f"mixed units {list(unit)}") try: unit = clean_units(unit[0]) except IndexError: # `units_series` is length 0 → no data → dimensionless unit = registry.dimensionless def invalid(unit: str, exc: Exception) -> Exception: """Helper method to return an intelligible exception.""" chars = "".join(filter("-?$".__contains__, unit)) msg = f"unit {unit!r} cannot be parsed; contains invalid character(s) {chars!r}" # Use the original class of `exc`, mapped in some cases cls_map: Mapping[Type[Exception], Type[Exception]] = {TypeError: ValueError} return_cls = cls_map.get(type(exc), type(exc)) return return_cls(msg) # Parse units try: return registry.Unit(unit) except pint.UndefinedUnitError: try: # Unit(s) do not exist; define them in the UnitRegistry # TODO add global configuration to disable this feature. # Split possible compound units for part in unit.split("/"): try: registry.Unit(part) except pint.UndefinedUnitError: # Part was unparseable; define it definition = f"{part} = [{part}]""Add unit definition: {definition}") # This line will fail silently for parts like 'G$' containing # characters like '$' that are discarded by pint registry.define(definition) # Try to parse again return registry.Unit(unit) except PintError as e: # registry.define() failed somehow raise invalid(unit, e) except (AttributeError, TypeError, PintError) as e: # Unit contains a character like '-' that throws off pint # NB this 'except' clause must be *after* UndefinedUnitError, since that is a # subclass of AttributeError. raise invalid(unit, e)
[docs]def partial_split(func, kwargs): """Forgiving version of :func:`functools.partial`. Returns a partial object and leftover kwargs not applicable to `func`. """ # Names of parameters to par_names = signature(func).parameters func_args, extra = {}, {} for name, value in kwargs.items(): if ( name in par_names and par_names[name].kind == Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD ): func_args[name] = value else: extra[name] = value return partial(func, **func_args), extra
[docs]def unquote(value): """Reverse :func:`dask.core.quote`.""" if isinstance(value, tuple) and len(value) == 1 and isinstance(value[0], literal): return value[0].data else: return value