Source code for genno.computations

"""Elementary computations for genno."""
# Notes:
# - To avoid ambiguity, computations should not have default arguments. Define default
#   values for the corresponding methods on the Computer class.
import logging
import operator
import re
from itertools import chain
from os import PathLike
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (

import pandas as pd
import pint
from xarray.core.types import InterpOptions
from xarray.core.utils import either_dict_or_kwargs

from genno.core.attrseries import AttrSeries, _multiindex_of
from genno.core.quantity import (
from genno.core.sparsedataarray import SparseDataArray
from genno.util import UnitLike, collect_units, filter_concat_args

__all__ = [

import xarray as xr  # noqa: E402

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Carry unit attributes automatically

[docs]def add(*quantities: Quantity, fill_value: float = 0.0) -> Quantity: """Sum across multiple `quantities`. Raises ------ ValueError if any of the `quantities` have incompatible units. Returns ------- .Quantity Units are the same as the first of `quantities`. """ # Ensure arguments are all quantities assert_quantity(*quantities) if isinstance(quantities[0], AttrSeries): # map() returns an iterable q_iter = iter(quantities) else: # Use xarray's built-in broadcasting, return to Quantity class q_iter = map(Quantity, xr.broadcast(*cast(xr.DataArray, quantities))) # Initialize result values with first entry result = next(q_iter) ref_unit = collect_units(result)[0] # Iterate over remaining entries for q in q_iter: u = collect_units(q)[0] if not u.is_compatible_with(ref_unit): raise ValueError(f"Units '{ref_unit:~}' and '{u:~}' are incompatible") factor = u.from_(1.0, strict=False).to(ref_unit).magnitude if isinstance(q, AttrSeries): result = ( cast(AttrSeries, result).add(factor * q, fill_value=fill_value).dropna() ) else: result = result + factor * q return result
[docs]def aggregate( quantity: Quantity, groups: Mapping[str, Mapping], keep: bool ) -> Quantity: """Aggregate *quantity* by *groups*. Parameters ---------- groups: dict of dict Top-level keys are the names of dimensions in `quantity`. Second-level keys are group names; second-level values are lists of labels along the dimension to sum into a group. keep : bool If True, the members that are aggregated into a group are returned with the group sums. If False, they are discarded. Returns ------- :class:`Quantity <genno.utils.Quantity>` Same dimensionality as `quantity`. """ result = quantity for dim, dim_groups in groups.items(): # Optionally keep the original values values = [result] if keep else [] # Aggregate each group for group, members in dim_groups.items(): if keep and group in values[0].coords[dim]: log.warning( f"{dim}={group!r} is already present in quantity {!r} " "with keep=True" ) agg = result.sel({dim: members}).sum(dim=dim).expand_dims({dim: [group]}) if isinstance(agg, AttrSeries): # .transpose() is necessary for AttrSeries agg = agg.transpose(*quantity.dims) else: # Restore fill_value=NaN for compatibility agg = agg._sda.convert() values.append(agg) # Reassemble to a single dataarray result = concat( *values, **({} if isinstance(quantity, AttrSeries) else {"dim": dim}) ) # Preserve attrs result.attrs.update(quantity.attrs) = return result
def _unit_args(qty, units): result = [pint.get_application_registry(), qty.attrs.get("_unit", None)] return *result, getattr(result[1], "dimensionality", {}), result[0].Unit(units)
[docs]def apply_units(qty: Quantity, units: UnitLike) -> Quantity: """Apply `units` to `qty`. If `qty` has existing units… - …with compatible dimensionality to `units`, the magnitudes are adjusted, i.e. behaves like :func:`convert_units`. - …with incompatible dimensionality to `units`, the units attribute is overwritten and magnitudes are not changed, i.e. like :func:`assign_units`, with a log message on level ``WARNING``. To avoid ambiguities between the two cases, use :func:`convert_units` or :func:`assign_units` instead. Parameters ---------- units : str or pint.Unit Units to apply to `qty`. """ registry, existing, existing_dims, new_units = _unit_args(qty, units) if len(existing_dims): # Some existing dimensions: log a message either way if existing_dims == new_units.dimensionality: log.debug(f"Convert '{existing}' to '{new_units}'") # NB use a factor because pint.Quantity cannot wrap AttrSeries result = qty * registry.Quantity(1.0, existing).to(new_units).magnitude else: log.warning(f"Replace '{existing}' with incompatible '{new_units}'") result = qty.copy() else: # No units, or dimensionless result = qty.copy() result.units = new_units return result
[docs]def assign_units(qty: Quantity, units: UnitLike) -> Quantity: """Set the `units` of `qty` without changing magnitudes. Logs on level ``INFO`` if `qty` has existing units. Parameters ---------- units : str or pint.Unit Units to assign to `qty`. """ registry, existing, existing_dims, new_units = _unit_args(qty, units) if len(existing_dims): msg = f"Replace '{existing}' with '{new_units}'" # Some existing dimensions: log a message either way if existing_dims == new_units.dimensionality: # NB use a factor because pint.Quantity cannot wrap AttrSeries if registry.Quantity(1.0, existing).to(new_units).magnitude != 1.0:"{msg} without altering magnitudes") else:"{msg} with different dimensionality") result = qty.copy() result.units = new_units return result
[docs]def broadcast_map( quantity: Quantity, map: Quantity, rename: Mapping = {}, strict: bool = False ) -> Quantity: """Broadcast `quantity` using a `map`. The `map` must be a 2-dimensional Quantity with dimensions (``d1``, ``d2``), such as returned by :func:`map_as_qty`. `quantity` must also have a dimension ``d1``. Typically ``len(d2) > len(d1)``. `quantity` is 'broadcast' by multiplying it with `map`, and then summing on the common dimension ``d1``. The result has the dimensions of `quantity`, but with ``d2`` in place of ``d1``. Parameters ---------- rename : dict (str -> str), optional Dimensions to rename on the result. strict : bool, optional Require that each element of ``d2`` is mapped from exactly 1 element of ``d1``. """ if strict and int(map.sum().item()) != len(map.coords[map.dims[1]]): raise ValueError("invalid map") return product(quantity, map).sum([map.dims[0]]).rename(rename)
[docs]def combine( *quantities: Quantity, select: Optional[List[Mapping]] = None, weights: Optional[List[float]] = None, ) -> Quantity: # noqa: F811 """Sum distinct *quantities* by *weights*. Parameters ---------- *quantities : Quantity The quantities to be added. select : list of dict Elements to be selected from each quantity. Must have the same number of elements as `quantities`. weights : list of float Weight applied to each quantity. Must have the same number of elements as `quantities`. Raises ------ ValueError If the *quantities* have mismatched units. """ # Handle arguments if select is None: select = [{}] * len(quantities) weights = weights or len(quantities) * [1.0] # Check units units = collect_units(*quantities) for u in units: # TODO relax this condition: modify the weights with conversion factors if the # units are compatible, but not the same if u != units[0]: raise ValueError(f"Cannot combine() units {units[0]} and {u}") units = units[0] args = [] for quantity, indexers, weight in zip(quantities, select, weights): # Select data temp = globals()["select"](quantity, indexers) # Dimensions along which multiple values are selected multi = [dim for dim, values in indexers.items() if isinstance(values, list)] if len(multi): # Sum along these dimensions temp = temp.sum(dim=multi) args.append(weight * temp) result = add(*args) result.attrs["_unit"] = units return result
[docs]def concat(*objs: Quantity, **kwargs) -> Quantity: """Concatenate Quantity `objs`. Any strings included amongst `objs` are discarded, with a logged warning; these usually indicate that a quantity is referenced which is not in the Computer. """ objs = tuple(filter_concat_args(objs)) if isinstance(objs[0], AttrSeries): try: # Retrieve a "dim" keyword argument dim = kwargs.pop("dim") except KeyError: pass else: if isinstance(dim, pd.Index): # Convert a pd.Index argument to names and keys kwargs["names"] = [] kwargs["keys"] = dim.values else: # Something else; warn and discard log.warning(f"Ignore concat(…, dim={repr(dim)})") # Ensure objects have aligned dimensions _objs = [objs[0]] _objs.extend( map(lambda o: cast(AttrSeries, o).align_levels(_objs[0]), objs[1:]) ) return pd.concat(_objs, **kwargs) else: # Correct fill-values # NB mypy here cannot tell that the returned DataArray has an accessor ._sda return xr.concat( cast(xr.DataArray, objs), **kwargs, )._sda.convert() # type: ignore[attr-defined]
[docs]def convert_units(qty: Quantity, units: UnitLike) -> Quantity: """Convert magnitude of `qty` from its current units to `units`. Parameters ---------- units : str or pint.Unit Units to assign to `qty`. Raises ------ ValueError if `units` does not match the dimensionality of the current units of `qty`. """ registry, existing, existing_dims, new_units = _unit_args(qty, units) try: # NB use a factor because pint.Quantity cannot wrap AttrSeries factor = registry.Quantity(1.0, existing).to(new_units).magnitude except pint.DimensionalityError: raise ValueError( f"Existing dimensionality {existing_dims!r} cannot be converted to {units} " f"with dimensionality {new_units.dimensionality!r}" ) from None result = qty * factor result.units = new_units return result
[docs]def disaggregate_shares(quantity: Quantity, shares: Quantity) -> Quantity: """Disaggregate *quantity* by *shares*.""" result = quantity * shares result.attrs["_unit"] = collect_units(quantity)[0] return result
[docs]def div(numerator: Union[Quantity, float], denominator: Quantity) -> Quantity: """Compute the ratio `numerator` / `denominator`. Parameters ---------- numerator : .Quantity denominator : .Quantity """ numerator = possible_scalar(numerator) denominator = possible_scalar(denominator) # Handle units u_num, u_denom = collect_units(numerator, denominator) if isinstance(numerator, AttrSeries): result = unwrap_scalar(numerator) / cast(AttrSeries, denominator).align_levels( numerator ) else: result = numerator / denominator # This shouldn't be necessary; would instead prefer: # result.attrs["_unit"] = u_num / u_denom # … but is necessary to avoid an issue when the operands are different Unit classes ureg = pint.get_application_registry() result.attrs["_unit"] = ureg.Unit(u_num) / ureg.Unit(u_denom) if isinstance(result, AttrSeries): result.dropna(inplace=True) return result
#: Alias of :func:`div`, for backwards compatibility. #: #: .. note:: This may be deprecated and possibly removed in a future version. ratio = div
[docs]def drop_vars( qty: Quantity, names: Union[Hashable, Iterable[Hashable]], *, errors="raise", ) -> Quantity: """Return a Quantity with dropped variables (coordinates). Like :meth:`xarray.DataArray.drop_vars`. """ return qty.drop_vars(names)
[docs]def group_sum(qty: Quantity, group: str, sum: str) -> Quantity: """Group by dimension *group*, then sum across dimension *sum*. The result drops the latter dimension. """ return concat( *[values.sum(dim=[sum]) for _, values in qty.groupby(group)], dim=group, )
[docs]def index_to( qty: Quantity, dim_or_selector: Union[str, Mapping], label: Optional[Hashable] = None, ) -> Quantity: """Compute an index of `qty` against certain of its values. If the label is not provided, :func:`index_to` uses the label in the first position along the identified dimension. Parameters ---------- qty : :class:`~genno.Quantity` dim_or_selector : str or mapping If a string, the ID of the dimension to index along. If a mapping, it must have only one element, mapping a dimension ID to a label. label : Hashable Label to select along the dimension, required if `dim_or_selector` is a string. Raises ------ TypeError if `dim_or_selector` is a mapping with length != 1. """ if isinstance(dim_or_selector, Mapping): if len(dim_or_selector) != 1: raise TypeError( f"Got {dim_or_selector}; expected a mapping from 1 key to 1 value" ) dim, label = dict(dim_or_selector).popitem() else: # Unwrap dask.core.literals dim = getattr(dim_or_selector, "data", dim_or_selector) label = getattr(label, "data", label) if label is None: # Choose a label on which to normalize label = qty.coords[dim][0].item()"Normalize quantity {} on {dim}={label}") return div(qty, qty.sel({dim: label}))
[docs]@maybe_densify def interpolate( qty: Quantity, coords: Optional[Mapping[Hashable, Any]] = None, method: InterpOptions = "linear", assume_sorted: bool = True, kwargs: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, **coords_kwargs: Any, ) -> Quantity: """Interpolate `qty`. For the meaning of arguments, see :meth:`xarray.DataArray.interp`. When :data:`.CLASS` is :class:`.AttrSeries`, only 1-dimensional interpolation (one key in `coords`) is tested/supported. """ if assume_sorted is not True: log.warning(f"interpolate(…, assume_sorted={assume_sorted}) ignored") return qty.interp(coords, method, assume_sorted, kwargs, **coords_kwargs)
[docs]def load_file( path: Path, dims: Union[Collection[Hashable], Mapping[Hashable, Hashable]] = {}, units: UnitLike = None, name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Any: """Read the file at *path* and return its contents as a :class:`.Quantity`. Some file formats are automatically converted into objects for direct use in genno computations: :file:`.csv`: Converted to :class:`.Quantity`. CSV files must have a 'value' column; all others are treated as indices, except as given by `dims`. Lines beginning with '#' are ignored. Parameters ---------- path : pathlib.Path Path to the file to read. dims : or, optional If a collection of names, other columns besides these and 'value' are discarded. If a mapping, the keys are the column labels in `path`, and the values are the target dimension names. units : str or pint.Unit Units to apply to the loaded Quantity. name : str Name for the loaded Quantity. """ # TODO optionally cache: if the same Computer is used repeatedly, then the file will # be read each time; instead cache the contents in memory. # TODO strip leading/trailing whitespace from column names if path.suffix == ".csv": return _load_file_csv(path, dims, units, name) elif path.suffix in (".xls", ".xlsx"): # TODO define expected Excel data input format raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover elif path.suffix == ".yaml": # TODO define expected YAML data input format raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover else: # Default return open(path).read()
UNITS_RE = re.compile(r"# Units?: (.*)\s+") def _load_file_csv( path: Path, dims: Union[Collection[Hashable], Mapping[Hashable, Hashable]] = {}, units: UnitLike = None, name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Quantity: # Peek at the header, if any, and match a units expression with open(path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: for line, match in map(lambda li: (li, UNITS_RE.fullmatch(li)), f): if match: if units: log.warning(f"Replace {!r} from file with {units!r}") else: units = break elif not line.startswith("#"): break # Give up at first non-commented line # Read the data data = pd.read_csv(path, comment="#", skipinitialspace=True) # Index columns index_columns = data.columns.tolist() index_columns.remove("value") try: # Retrieve the unit column from the file units_col = data.pop("unit").unique() index_columns.remove("unit") except KeyError: pass # No such column; use None or argument value else: # Use a unique value for units of the quantity if len(units_col) > 1: raise ValueError( f"Cannot load {path} with non-unique units {repr(units_col)}" ) elif units and units not in units_col: raise ValueError( f"Explicit units {units} do not match {units_col[0]} in {path}" ) units = units_col[0] if dims: # Convert a list, set, etc. to a dict dims = dims if isinstance(dims, Mapping) else {d: d for d in dims} # - Drop columns not mentioned in *dims* # - Rename columns according to *dims* data = data.drop(columns=set(index_columns) - set(dims.keys())).rename( columns=dims ) index_columns = list(data.columns) index_columns.pop(index_columns.index("value")) # Prepare a Quantity object with the (bare) units and any conversion factor registry = pint.get_application_registry() units = units or "1.0 dimensionless" if isinstance(units, str): uq = registry(units) elif isinstance(units, pint.Unit): uq = registry.Quantity(1.0, units) else: uq = units return Quantity( uq.magnitude * data.set_index(index_columns)["value"], units=uq.units, name=name )
[docs]def mul(*quantities: Quantity) -> Quantity: """Compute the product of any number of *quantities*.""" # Iterator over (quantity, unit) tuples items = zip(quantities, collect_units(*quantities)) # Initialize result values with first entry result, u_result = next(items) # Iterate over remaining entries for q, u in items: if isinstance(q, AttrSeries): # Work around pandas-dev/pandas#25760; see result = (result * q.align_levels(result)).dropna() else: result = result * q u_result *= u result.attrs["_unit"] = u_result return result
#: Alias of :func:`mul`, for backwards compatibility. #: #: .. note:: This may be deprecated and possibly removed in a future version. product = mul
[docs]def pow(a: Quantity, b: Union[Quantity, int]) -> Quantity: """Compute `a` raised to the power of `b`. .. todo:: Provide units on the result in the special case where `b` is a Quantity but all its values are the same :class:`int`. Returns ------- .Quantity If `b` is :class:`int`, then the quantity has the units of `a` raised to this power; e.g. "kg²" → "kg⁴" if `b` is 2. In other cases, there are no meaningful units, so the returned quantity is dimensionless. """ if isinstance(b, int): unit_exponent = b b = Quantity(float(b)) else: unit_exponent = 0 u_a, u_b = collect_units(a, b) if not u_b.dimensionless: raise ValueError(f"Cannot raise to a power with units ({u_b:~})") if isinstance(a, AttrSeries): result = a ** cast(AttrSeries, b).align_levels(a) else: result = a**b result.attrs["_unit"] = ( a.attrs["_unit"] ** unit_exponent if unit_exponent else pint.get_application_registry().dimensionless ) return result
[docs]def relabel( qty: Quantity, labels: Optional[Mapping[Hashable, Mapping]] = None, **dim_labels: Mapping, ) -> Quantity: """Replace specific labels along dimensions of `qty`. Parameters ---------- labels : Keys are strings identifying dimensions of `qty`; values are further mappings from original labels to new labels. Dimensions and labels not appearing in `qty` have no effect. dim_labels : Mappings given as keyword arguments, where argument name is the dimension. Raises ------ ValueError if both `labels` and `dim_labels` are given. """ # NB pandas uses the term "levels [of a MultiIndex]"; xarray uses "coords [for a # dimension]". # TODO accept callables as values in `mapper`, as DataArray.assign_coords() does maps = either_dict_or_kwargs(labels, dim_labels, "relabel") # Iterate over (dim, label_map) for only dims included in `qty` iter = filter(lambda kv: kv[0] in qty.dims, maps.items()) def map_labels(mapper, values): """Generate the new labels for a single dimension.""" return list(map(lambda label: mapper.get(label, label), values)) if isinstance(qty, AttrSeries): # Prepare a new index idx = _multiindex_of(qty) for dim, label_map in iter: # - Look up numerical index of the dimension in `idx` # - Retrieve the existing levels. # - Map to new levels. # - Assign, creating a new index idx = idx.set_levels( map_labels(label_map, idx.levels[idx.names.index(dim)]), level=dim ) # Assign the new index to a copy of qty result = cast(AttrSeries, qty.copy()) result.index = idx return result else: return cast(SparseDataArray, qty).assign_coords( {dim: map_labels(m, qty.coords[dim].data) for dim, m in iter} )
[docs]def rename_dims( qty: Quantity, new_name_or_name_dict: Union[Hashable, Mapping[Any, Hashable]] = None, **names: Hashable, ) -> Quantity: """Rename the dimensions of `qty`. Like :meth:`xarray.DataArray.rename`. """ return qty.rename(new_name_or_name_dict, **names)
[docs]def round(qty: Quantity, *args, **kwargs) -> Quantity: """Like :meth:`xarray.DataArray.round`.""" return qty.round(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def select( qty: Quantity, indexers: Mapping[Hashable, Iterable[Hashable]], *, inverse: bool = False, drop: bool = False, ) -> Quantity: """Select from `qty` based on `indexers`. Parameters ---------- indexers : dict (str -> xarray.DataArray or list of str) Elements to be selected from `qty`. Mapping from dimension names to coords along the respective dimension of `qty`, or to xarray-style indexers. Values not appearing in the dimension coords are silently ignored. inverse : bool, optional If :obj:`True`, *remove* the items in indexers instead of keeping them. """ # Identify the type of the first value in `indexers` _t = type(next(chain(iter(indexers.values()), [None]))) if _t is xr.DataArray: if inverse: raise NotImplementedError("select(…, inverse=True) with DataArray indexers") # Pass through new_indexers = indexers else: # Predicate for containment op = operator.not_ if inverse else operator.truth # Use only the values from `indexers` (not) appearing in `qty.coords` coords = qty.coords new_indexers = { dim: list(filter(lambda x: op(x in labels), coords[dim].data)) for dim, labels in indexers.items() } return qty.sel(new_indexers, drop=drop)
[docs]def sum( quantity: Quantity, weights: Optional[Quantity] = None, dimensions: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> Quantity: """Sum *quantity* over *dimensions*, with optional *weights*. Parameters ---------- weights : .Quantity, optional If *dimensions* is given, *weights* must have at least these dimensions. Otherwise, any dimensions are valid. dimensions : list of str, optional If not provided, sum over all dimensions. If provided, sum over these dimensions. """ if weights is None: _w = Quantity(1.0) w_total = Quantity(1.0) else: _w = weights w_total = weights.sum(dim=dimensions) if 0 == len(w_total.dims): w_total = w_total.item() return div(mul(quantity, _w).sum(dim=dimensions), w_total)
[docs]def write_report(quantity: Quantity, path: Union[str, PathLike]) -> None: """Write a quantity to a file. Parameters ---------- path : str or Path Path to the file to be written. """ path = Path(path) if path.suffix == ".csv": quantity.to_dataframe().to_csv(path) elif path.suffix == ".xlsx": quantity.to_dataframe().to_excel(path, merge_cells=False) else: path.write_text(quantity) # type: ignore