Source code for genno.config

import logging
from copy import copy
from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (

import pint
import yaml

from genno import operator
from import Computer
from genno.core.exceptions import KeyExistsError, MissingKeyError
from genno.core.key import Key, iter_keys
from genno.util import REPLACE_UNITS

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

#: Registry of configuration section handlers.
HANDLERS: Dict[str, Any] = {}

#: Configuration sections/keys to be stored with no action.
STORE = set(["cache_path", "cache_skip"])

[docs]def configure(path: Optional[Union[Path, str]] = None, **config): """Configure :mod:`.genno` globally. Modifies global variables that affect the behaviour of *all* Computers and operators. Configuration keys loaded from file are superseded by keyword arguments. Messages are logged at level :obj:`logging.INFO` if `config` contains unhandled sections. Parameters ---------- path : pathlib.Path, optional Path to a configuration file in JSON or YAML format. **config : Configuration keys/sections and values. """ if path: config["path"] = Path(path) # The value of fail= doesn't matter, since no Computer is given parse_config(None, data=config, fail="raise")
[docs]def handles(section_name: str, iterate: bool = True, discard: bool = True): """Decorator to register a configuration section handler in :data:`HANDLERS`. Parameters ---------- section_name: str The name of the configuration section to handle. Using a name already present in :data:`HANDLERS` overrides that handler. iterate : bool, optional If :obj:`True`, the handler is called once for each item (either list item, or (key, value) tuple) in the section. If :obj:`False`, the entire section contents, of whatever type, are passed to tha handler. discard : bool, optional If :obj:`True`, configuration section data is discarded after the handler is called. If :obj:`False`, the data is retained and stored on the Computer. """ def wrapper(f: Callable): if section_name in HANDLERS: log.debug( f"Override handler {repr(HANDLERS[section_name])} for " f" '{section_name}:'" ) HANDLERS[section_name] = f setattr(f, "_iterate", iterate) setattr(f, "_discard", discard) return f return wrapper
def parse_config( c: Optional[Computer], data: MutableMapping[str, Any], fail: Optional[Union[str, int]] = None, ): # Assemble a queue of (args, kwargs) for Computer.add_queue() queue: List[Tuple[Tuple, Dict]] = [] try: path = data.pop("path") except KeyError: pass else: # Load configuration from file path = Path(path) with open(path, "r") as f: new_data = yaml.safe_load(f) # Overwrite the file content with direct configuration values new_data.update(data) data = new_data # Also store the directory where the configuration file was located if c is None: data["config_dir"] = path.parent else: # Early add to the graph c.graph["config"]["config_dir"] = path.parent # Sections to discard, e.g. with handler._store = False discard = set() for section_name, section_data in data.items(): handler = HANDLERS.get(section_name) if not handler: if section_name not in STORE: f"No handler for configuration section '{section_name}:'; ignored" ) continue if handler._discard: discard.add(section_name) if handler._iterate: if isinstance(section_data, dict): iterator: Iterable = section_data.items() elif isinstance(section_data, list): iterator = section_data else: # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError(handler.expected_type) queue.extend((("apply", handler), dict(info=item)) for item in iterator) else: handler(c, section_data) for section_name in discard: data.pop(section_name) if c: # Process the entries c.add_queue(queue, max_tries=2, fail=fail) # Store configuration in the graph itself c.graph["config"].update(data) elif len(queue): raise RuntimeError("Cannot apply non-global configuration without a Computer")
[docs]@handles("aggregate") def aggregate(c: Computer, info): """Handle one entry from the ``aggregate:`` config section.""" # Copy for destructive .pop() info = copy(info) # Unpack `info` quantities = c.infer_keys(info.pop("_quantities")) tag = info.pop("_tag") # Keyword arguments for add() kw = dict( fail=info.pop("_fail", None), groups={info.pop("_dim"): info}, strict=True, sums=True, ) def _log_or_raise(exc: Exception, default_level: str, message: str): """Either raise `exc` if ``kw["fail"]`` > `default_level`, or log `message`.""" fail_level = getattr(logging, (kw["fail"] or default_level).upper()) if fail_level >= logging.ERROR: raise exc else: log.log(fail_level, message) try: quantities = c.check_keys(*quantities) except MissingKeyError as e: # Default to fail="error" here: stricter _log_or_raise(e, "error", f"No key(s) {e.args!r} to aggregate") # Iterate over quantities to be aggregated for qty in map(Key, quantities): try: result = c.add(qty.add_tag(tag), "aggregate", qty, **kw) except KeyExistsError: pass except MissingKeyError as e: # Default to fail="warning": more permissive _log_or_raise(e, "warning", repr(e)) else: if keys := list(iter_keys(result)):"Add {repr(keys[0])} + {len(keys)-1} partial sums")
[docs]@handles("alias") def alias(c: Computer, info): """Handle one entry from the ``alias:`` config section.""" c.add(info[0], info[1])
[docs]@handles("combine") def combine(c: Computer, info): """Handle one entry from the ``combine:`` config section.""" # Split inputs into three lists quantities, select, weights = [], [], [] # Key for the new quantity key = Key(info["key"]) # Loop over inputs to the combination for i in info["inputs"]: # Required dimensions for this input: output key's dims, plus any # dims that must be selected on selector = i.get("select", {}) dims = set(key.dims) | set(selector.keys()) quantities.append(c.infer_keys(i["quantity"], dims)) select.append(selector) weights.append(i.get("weight", 1)) # Check for malformed input assert len(quantities) == len(select) == len(weights) # Computation task = tuple( [partial(operator.combine, select=select, weights=weights)] + quantities ) added = iter_keys(c.add(key, task, strict=True, sums=True))"Add {repr(key)} + {len(list(added))-1} partial sums") log.debug(" as combination of") log.debug(f" {repr(quantities)}")
[docs]@handles("default", iterate=False) def default(c: Computer, info): """Handle the ``default:`` config section.""" c.default_key = info
[docs]@handles("files") def files(c: Computer, info): """Handle one entry from the ``files:`` config section.""" # Files with exogenous data path = Path(info["path"]) if not path.is_absolute(): # Resolve relative paths relative to the directory containing the configuration # file path = c.graph["config"].get("config_dir", Path.cwd()) / path info["path"] = path c.add("load_file", **info)
[docs]@handles("general") def general(c: Computer, info): """Handle one entry from the ``general:`` config section.""" # Inputs # TODO allow to specify a more narrow key and *not* have infer_keys applied; perhaps # using "*" inputs = c.infer_keys(info.get("inputs", [])) if info["comp"] in ("mul", "product"): result = c.add(info["key"], "mul", *inputs)"Add {repr(result)} using .add_product()") else: # The resulting key key = info["key"] key = key if Key.bare_name(key) else Key(key) # Infer the dimensions of the resulting key if ":*:" is given for the dims if isinstance(key, Key) and key.dims == ("*",): key = Key.product(, *inputs, tag=key.tag) # log.debug(f"Inferred dimensions ({', '.join(key.dims)}) for '*'") # If info["comp"] is None, the task is a list that collects other keys _seq: Type = list task = [] if info["comp"] is not None: _seq = tuple # Task is a computation # Retrieve the function for the computation f = c.get_operator(info["comp"]) if f is None: raise ValueError(info["comp"]) task = [partial(f, **info.get("args", {}))]"Add {repr(key)} using {f.__module__}.{f.__name__}(…)") task.extend(inputs) added = c.add(key, _seq(task), strict=True, sums=info.get("sums", False)) if isinstance(added, tuple):" + {len(added)-1} partial sums")
[docs]@handles("report") def report(c: Computer, info): """Handle one entry from the ``report:`` config section.""""Add report {info['key']} with {len(info['members'])} table(s)") # Concatenate pyam data structures c.add(info["key"], tuple([c.get_operator("concat")] + info["members"]), strict=True)
[docs]@handles("units", iterate=False) def units(c: Computer, info): """Handle the ``units:`` config section.""" # Define units registry = pint.get_application_registry() try: defs = info["define"].strip() registry.define(defs) except KeyError: pass except (TypeError, pint.DefinitionSyntaxError, pint.RedefinitionError) as e: log.warning(e) else:"Apply global unit definitions {defs}") # Add replacements for old, new in info.get("replace", {}).items():"Replace unit {repr(old)} with {repr(new)}") REPLACE_UNITS[old] = new