Source code for genno.core.attrseries

import logging
from functools import partial
from itertools import tee
from typing import (

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from _typeshed import SupportsRichComparisonT

import pandas as pd
import pandas.core.indexes.base as ibase
import xarray as xr
from xarray.core.coordinates import Coordinates
from xarray.core.indexes import Indexes
from xarray.core.utils import either_dict_or_kwargs

from genno.compat.xarray import is_scalar

from .quantity import Quantity, possible_scalar
from .types import Dims

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _binop(name: str, swap: bool = False):
    """Create a method for binary operator `name`."""

    def method(self, other):
        # Handle the case where `other` is scalar
        other = possible_scalar(other)

        # For __r*__ methods
        a, b = (other, self) if swap else (self, other)

        # Ensure both operands are multi-indexed, and have at least 1 common dim
        if a.dims:
            left = a
            order, right = b.align_levels(left)
            right = b
            order, left = a.align_levels(right)

        # Invoke a pd.Series method like .mul()
        result = getattr(left, name)(right).dropna().reorder_levels(order)

        # Determine resulting units
        result.units = left._binop_units(name, right)

        return result

    return method

[docs]class AttrSeriesCoordinates(Coordinates): def __init__(self, obj): self._data = obj self._idx = obj.index.remove_unused_levels() @property def _names(self): return tuple(filter(None, self._idx.names)) @property def variables(self): result = {} for name, levels in zip(self._idx.names, self._idx.levels): if name is None: continue result[name] = levels.unique() return result def __contains__(self, key: Hashable) -> bool: return key in self._names def __getitem__(self, key): levels = self._idx.levels[self._idx.names.index(key)].to_list() return xr.DataArray(levels, coords={key: levels})
[docs]class AttrSeries(pd.Series, Quantity): """:class:`pandas.Series` subclass imitating :class:`xarray.DataArray`. The AttrSeries class provides similar methods and behaviour to :class:`xarray.DataArray`, so that :mod:`genno.operator` functions and user code can use xarray-like syntax. In particular, this allows such code to be agnostic about the order of dimensions. Parameters ---------- units : str or pint.Unit, optional Set the units attribute. The value is converted to :class:`pint.Unit` and added to `attrs`. attrs : :class:``, optional Set the :attr:`~pandas.Series.attrs` of the AttrSeries. This attribute was added in `pandas 1.0 <>`_, but is not currently supported by the Series constructor. """ # See @property def _constructor(self): return AttrSeries def __init__(self, data=None, *args, name=None, attrs=None, **kwargs): attrs = Quantity._collect_attrs(data, attrs, kwargs) if isinstance(data, (pd.Series, xr.DataArray)): # Extract name from existing object or use the argument name = ibase.maybe_extract_name(name, data, type(self)) try: # Pre-convert to pd.Series from xr.DataArray to preserve names and # labels. For AttrSeries, this is a no-op (see below). data = data.to_series() except AttributeError: # pd.Series pass except ValueError: # xr.DataArray if data.shape == tuple(): # data is a scalar/0-dimensional xr.DataArray. Pass the 1 value data = else: # pragma: no cover raise else: attrs.update() data, name = Quantity._single_column_df(data, name) if data is None: kwargs["dtype"] = float # Don't pass attrs to pd.Series constructor; it currently does not accept them pd.Series.__init__(self, data, *args, name=name, **kwargs) # Ensure a MultiIndex try: self.index.levels except AttributeError: # Assign the dimension name "dim_0" if 1-D with no names kw = {} if len(self.index) > 1 and is None: kw["names"] = ["dim_0"] self.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([self.index], **kw) # Update the attrs after initialization self.attrs.update(attrs) # Binary operations __mul__ = _binop("mul") __pow__ = _binop("pow") __rtruediv__ = _binop("truediv", swap=True) __truediv__ = _binop("truediv") def __repr__(self): return ( super().__repr__() + f", units: {self.attrs.get('_unit', 'dimensionless')}" )
[docs] @classmethod def from_series(cls, series, sparse=None): """Like :meth:`xarray.DataArray.from_series`.""" return AttrSeries(series)
[docs] def assign_coords(self, coords=None, **coord_kwargs): """Like :meth:`xarray.DataArray.assign_coords`.""" coords = either_dict_or_kwargs(coords, coord_kwargs, "assign_coords") # Construct a new index new_idx = self.index.copy() for dim, values in coords.items(): expected_len = len(self.index.levels[self.index.names.index(dim)]) if expected_len != len(values): raise ValueError( f"conflicting sizes for dimension {repr(dim)}: length " f"{expected_len} on <this-array> and length {len(values)} on " f"{repr(dim)}" ) new_idx = new_idx.set_levels(values, level=dim) # Return a new object with the new index return self.set_axis(new_idx)
[docs] def bfill(self, dim: Hashable, limit: Optional[int] = None): """Like :meth:`xarray.DataArray.bfill`.""" # TODO this likely does not work for 1-D quantities due to unstack(); test and # if needed use _maybe_groupby() return self._replace( self.unstack(dim) .bfill(axis=1, limit=limit) .stack() .reorder_levels(self.dims), )
@property def coords(self): """Like :attr:`xarray.DataArray.coords`. Read-only.""" return AttrSeriesCoordinates(self)
[docs] def cumprod(self, dim=None, axis=None, skipna=None, **kwargs): """Like :meth:`xarray.DataArray.cumprod`.""" if axis:"{self.__class__.__name__}.cumprod(…, axis=…) is ignored") if skipna is None: skipna = self.dtype == float if dim in (None, "..."): if len(self.dims) > 1: raise NotImplementedError("cumprod() over multiple dimensions") dim = self.dims[0] def _(s): # Invoke cumprod from the parent class pd.Series return super(pd.Series, s).cumprod(skipna=skipna, **kwargs) return self._replace(self._groupby_apply(dim, sorted(self.coords[dim].data), _))
@property def data(self): return self.values @property def dims(self) -> Tuple[Hashable, ...]: """Like :attr:`xarray.DataArray.dims`.""" # If 0-D, the single dimension has name `None` → discard return tuple(filter(None, self.index.names)) @property def shape(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]: """Like :attr:`xarray.DataArray.shape`.""" idx = self.index.remove_unused_levels() return tuple(len(idx.levels[i]) for i in map(idx.names.index, self.dims))
[docs] def drop(self, label): """Like :meth:`xarray.DataArray.drop`.""" return self.droplevel(label)
[docs] def drop_vars( self, names: Union[Hashable, Iterable[Hashable]], *, errors: str = "raise" ): """Like :meth:`xarray.DataArray.drop_vars`.""" return self.droplevel(names)
[docs] def expand_dims(self, dim=None, axis=None, **dim_kwargs: Any) -> "AttrSeries": """Like :meth:`xarray.DataArray.expand_dims`.""" if isinstance(dim, list): dim = dict.fromkeys(dim, []) dim = either_dict_or_kwargs(dim, dim_kwargs, "expand_dims") if axis is not None: raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover result = self for name, values in reversed(list(dim.items())): N = len(values) if N == 0: # Dimension without labels N, values = 1, [None] result = pd.concat([result] * N, keys=values, names=[name]) # Ensure `result` is multiindexed try: i = result.index.names.index(None) except ValueError: pass else: assert 2 == len(result.index.names) result.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([result.index.droplevel(i)]) return result
[docs] def ffill(self, dim: Hashable, limit: Optional[int] = None): """Like :meth:`xarray.DataArray.ffill`.""" # TODO this likely does not work for 1-D quantities due to unstack(); test and # if needed use _maybe_groupby() return self._replace( self.unstack(dim) .ffill(axis=1, limit=limit) .stack() .reorder_levels(self.dims), )
[docs] def item(self, *args): """Like :meth:`xarray.DataArray.item`.""" if len(args) and args != (None,): raise NotImplementedError elif self.size != 1: raise ValueError return self.iloc[0]
[docs] def interp( self, coords: Optional[Mapping[Hashable, Any]] = None, method: str = "linear", assume_sorted: bool = True, kwargs: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, **coords_kwargs: Any, ): """Like :meth:`xarray.DataArray.interp`. This method works around two long-standing bugs in :mod:`pandas`: - `pandas-dev/pandas#25460 <>`_ - `pandas-dev/pandas#31949 <>`_ """ from scipy.interpolate import interp1d if kwargs is None: kwargs = {} coords = either_dict_or_kwargs(coords, coords_kwargs, "interp") if len(coords) > 1: raise NotImplementedError("interp() on more than 1 dimension") # Unpack the dimension and levels (possibly overlapping with existing) dim = list(coords.keys())[0] levels = coords[dim] # Ensure a list if isinstance(levels, (int, float)): levels = [levels] def _flat_index(obj: AttrSeries): """Unpack a 1-D MultiIndex from an AttrSeries.""" return [v[0] for v in obj.index] # Group by `dim` so that each level appears ≤ 1 time in `group_series` def _(s): # Work around # Location of existing values x = s.notna() # Create an interpolator from the existing values i = interp1d(_flat_index(s[x]), s[x], kind=method, **kwargs) return s.fillna(pd.Series(i(_flat_index(s[~x])), index=s[~x].index)) result = self._groupby_apply(dim, levels, _) # - Restore dimension order and attributes. # - Select only the desired `coords`. return self._replace(result.reorder_levels(self.dims)).sel(coords)
[docs] def rename( self, new_name_or_name_dict: Union[Hashable, Mapping[Hashable, Hashable]] = None, **names: Hashable, ): """Like :meth:`xarray.DataArray.rename`.""" if new_name_or_name_dict is None or isinstance(new_name_or_name_dict, Mapping): index = either_dict_or_kwargs(new_name_or_name_dict, names, "rename") return self.rename_axis(index=index) else: assert 0 == len(names) return super().rename(new_name_or_name_dict)
[docs] def sel( self, indexers: Optional[Mapping[Any, Any]] = None, method: Optional[str] = None, tolerance=None, drop: bool = False, **indexers_kwargs: Any, ): """Like :meth:`xarray.DataArray.sel`.""" if method is not None: raise NotImplementedError(f"AttrSeries.sel(…, method={method!r})") if tolerance is not None: raise NotImplementedError(f"AttrSeries.sel(…, tolerance={tolerance!r})") indexers = either_dict_or_kwargs(indexers, indexers_kwargs, "sel") if len(indexers) and all( isinstance(i, xr.DataArray) for i in indexers.values() ): # DataArray indexers # Combine indexers in a data set; dimensions are aligned ds = xr.Dataset(indexers) # All dimensions indexed dims_indexed = set(indexers.keys()) # Dimensions to discard dims_drop = set(ds.data_vars.keys()) # Check contents of indexers if any(ds.isnull().any().values()): raise IndexError( f"Dimensions of indexers mismatch: {ds.notnull().sum()}" ) elif len(ds.dims) > 1: raise NotImplementedError( # pragma: no cover f"map to > 1 dimensions {repr(ds.dims)} with AttrSeries.sel()" ) # pd.Index object with names and levels of the new dimension to be created idx = ds.coords.to_index() # Dimensions to drop on sliced data to avoid duplicated dimensions drop_slice = list(dims_indexed - dims_drop) # Dictionary of Series to concatenate series = {} # Iterate over labels in the new dimension for label in idx: # Get a slice from the indexers corresponding to this label loc_ds = ds.sel({ label}) # Assemble a key with one element for each dimension seq0 = [loc_ds.get(d) for d in self.dims] # Replace None from .get() with slice(None) or unpack a single value seq1 = [slice(None) if item is None else item.item() for item in seq0] # Use the key to retrieve 1+ integer locations; slice; store series[label] = self.iloc[self.index.get_locs(seq1)].droplevel( drop_slice ) # Rejoin to a single data frame; drop the source levels data = pd.concat(series, names=[]).droplevel(list(dims_drop)) else: # Other indexers # Iterate over dimensions idx = [] to_drop = set() for dim in self.dims: # Get an indexer for this dimension i = indexers.get(dim, slice(None)) if is_scalar(i) and (i != slice(None)): to_drop.add(dim) # Maybe unpack an xarray DataArray indexers, for pandas idx.append( if isinstance(i, xr.DataArray) else i) # Select data = self.loc[tuple(idx)] # Only drop if not returning a scalar value if isinstance(data, pd.Series): # Drop levels where a single value was selected data = data.droplevel(list(to_drop & set(data.index.names))) # Return return self._replace(data)
[docs] def shift( self, shifts: Optional[Mapping[Hashable, int]] = None, fill_value: Any = None, **shifts_kwargs: int, ): """Like :meth:`xarray.DataArray.shift`.""" shifts = either_dict_or_kwargs(shifts, shifts_kwargs, "shift") # Apply shifts one-by-one result = self for dim, periods in shifts.items(): levels = sorted(self.coords[dim].data) def _(s): # Invoke shift from the parent class pd.Series return super(AttrSeries, s).shift( periods=periods, fill_value=fill_value ) result = result._groupby_apply(dim, levels, _) return self._replace(result)
[docs] def sum( self, dim: Dims = None, # Signature from xarray.DataArray # *, skipna: Optional[bool] = None, min_count: Optional[int] = None, keep_attrs: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> "AttrSeries": """Like :meth:`xarray.DataArray.sum`.""" if skipna is not None or min_count is not None: raise NotImplementedError if dim is None or isinstance(dim, Hashable): dim = tuple(filter(None, (dim,))) # Check dimensions bad_dims = set(dim) - set(self.index.names) if bad_dims: raise ValueError( f"{bad_dims} not found in array dimensions {self.index.names}" ) # Create the object on which to .sum() return self._replace(self._maybe_groupby(dim).sum(**kwargs))
[docs] def squeeze(self, dim=None, drop=False, axis=None): """Like :meth:`xarray.DataArray.squeeze`.""" idx = self.index.remove_unused_levels() to_drop = [] for i, name in enumerate(filter(None, idx.names)): if dim and name != dim: continue elif len(idx.levels[i]) > 1: if dim is None: continue else: raise ValueError( "cannot select a dimension to squeeze out which has length " "greater than one" ) to_drop.append(name) if dim and not to_drop: raise KeyError(dim) # Specified dimension does not exist if set(to_drop) == set(self.dims): # Dropping all dimensions → 0-D quantity; simply reset return self.reset_index(drop=True) else: return self.droplevel(to_drop)
[docs] def transpose(self, *dims): """Like :meth:`xarray.DataArray.transpose`.""" return self.reorder_levels(dims)
[docs] def to_dataframe( self, name: Optional[Hashable] = None, dim_order: Optional[Sequence[Hashable]] = None, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Like :meth:`xarray.DataArray.to_dataframe`.""" if dim_order is not None: raise NotImplementedError("dim_order arg to to_dataframe()") = name or or "value" # type: ignore return self.to_frame()
[docs] def to_series(self): """Like :meth:`xarray.DataArray.to_series`.""" return self
@property def xindexes(self): # pragma: no cover # NB incomplete implementation; currently sufficient that this property exists return Indexes(dict(), None) # Internal methods
[docs] def align_levels( self, other: "AttrSeries" ) -> Tuple[Sequence[Hashable], "AttrSeries"]: """Return a copy of `self` with ≥1 dimension(s) in the same order as `other`. Work-around for and other limitations of :class:`pandas.Series`. """ # Union of dimensions of `self` and `other`; initially just other d_union = list(other.dims) # Lists of common dimensions, and dimensions on `other` missing from `self`. d_common = [] # Common dimensions of `self` and `other` d_other_only = [] # (dimension, index) of `other` missing from `self` for i, d in enumerate(d_union): if d in self.index.names: d_common.append(d) else: d_other_only.append((d, i)) result = self d_result = [] # Order of dimensions on the result if len(d_common) == 0: # No common dimensions between `other` and `self` if len(d_other_only): # …but `other` is ≥1D # Broadcast the result over the final missing dimension of `other` d, i = d_other_only[-1] result = result.expand_dims({d: other.index.levels[i]}) # Reordering starts with this dimension d_result.append(d) elif not result.dims: # Both `self` and `other` are scalar d_result.append(None) else: # Some common dimensions exist; no need to broadcast, only reorder d_result.extend(d_common) # Append the dimensions of `self` i1, i2 = tee(filter(lambda n: n not in other.dims, self.dims), 2) d_union.extend(i1) d_result.extend(i2) return d_union or [None], result.reorder_levels(d_result or [None])
def _groupby_apply( self, dim: Hashable, levels: Iterable["SupportsRichComparisonT"], func: Callable[["AttrSeries"], "AttrSeries"], ) -> "AttrSeries": """Group along `dim`, ensure levels `levels`, and apply `func`. `func` should accept and return AttrSeries. The resulting AttrSeries are concatenated again along `dim`. """ # Preserve order of dimensions dims = self.dims # Dimension other than `dim` d_other = list(filter(lambda d: d != dim, dims)) def _join(base, item): """Rejoin a full key for the MultiIndex in the correct order.""" # Wrap a scalar `base` (only occurs with len(other_dims) == 1; pandas < 2.0) base = list(base) if isinstance(base, tuple) else [base] return [(base[d_other.index(d)] if d in d_other else item[0]) for d in dims] # Grouper or iterable of (key, pd.Series) groups = self.groupby(d_other) if len(d_other) else [(None, self)] # Iterate over groups, accumulating modified series result = [] for group_key, group_series in groups: # Work around; can't do: # group_series.reindex(…, level=dim) # Create 1-D MultiIndex for `dim` with the union of existing coords and # `levels` _levels = set(levels) _levels.update(group_series.index.get_level_values(dim)) idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([sorted(_levels)], names=[dim]) # Reassemble full MultiIndex with the new coords added along `dim` full_idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples( map(partial(_join, group_key), idx), names=dims ) # - Reindex with `full_idx` to insert NaNs for new `levels`. # - Replace the with the 1D index for `dim` only. # - Apply `func`. # - Restore the full index. result.append( func(group_series.reindex(full_idx).set_axis(idx)).set_axis(full_idx) ) return pd.concat(result) def _maybe_groupby(self, dim): """Return an object for operations along dimension(s) `dim`. If `dim` is a subset of :attr:`dims`, returns a SeriesGroupBy object along the other dimensions. """ if len(set(dim)) in (0, len(self.index.names)): return cast(pd.Series, super()) else: # Group on dimensions other than `dim` return self.groupby( level=list( # type: ignore filter(lambda d: d not in dim, self.index.names) ), group_keys=False, observed=True, ) def _replace(self, data) -> "AttrSeries": """Shorthand to preserve attrs.""" return self.__class__(data,, attrs=self.attrs)