Source code for genno.compat.graphviz

import re
from os import PathLike
from typing import Mapping, MutableMapping, Optional, Set, Union

import graphviz
from dask.core import get_dependencies, ishashable, istask
from import graphviz_to_file, name

from genno.core.describe import is_list_of_keys, label

def key_label(key):
    return unwrap(str(key))

_UNWRAP_EXPR = re.compile("^<(.*)>$")

[docs] def unwrap(label: str) -> str: """Unwrap any number of paired '<' and '>' at the start/end of `label`. These characters cause errors in graphviz/dot. """ while True: result = _UNWRAP_EXPR.sub(r"\1", label) if result == label: return result else: label = result
[docs] def visualize( dsk: Mapping, filename: Optional[Union[str, PathLike]] = None, format: Optional[str] = None, data_attributes: Optional[Mapping] = None, function_attributes: Optional[Mapping] = None, graph_attr: Optional[Mapping] = None, node_attr: Optional[Mapping] = None, edge_attr: Optional[Mapping] = None, collapse_outputs=False, **kwargs, ): """Generate a Graphviz visualization of `dsk`. This is merged and extended version of :func:`dask.base.visualize`, :func:``, and :func:`` that produces output that is informative for genno graphs. Parameters ---------- dsk : The graph to display. filename : Path or str, optional The name of the file to write to disk. If the file name does not have a suffix, ".png" is used by default. If `filename` is :data:`None`, no file is written, and dask communicates with :program:`dot` using only pipes. format : {'png', 'pdf', 'dot', 'svg', 'jpeg', 'jpg'}, optional Format in which to write output file, if not given by the suffix of `filename`. Default "png". data_attributes : Graphviz attributes to apply to single nodes representing keys, in addition to `node_attr`. function_attributes : Graphviz attributes to apply to single nodes representing operations or functions, in addition to `node_attr`. graph_attr : Mapping of (attribute, value) pairs for the graph. Passed directly to :class:`.graphviz.Digraph`. node_attr : Mapping of (attribute, value) pairs set for all nodes. Passed directly to :class:`.graphviz.Digraph`. edge_attr : Mapping of (attribute, value) pairs set for all edges. Passed directly to :class:`.graphviz.Digraph`. collapse_outputs : bool, optional Omit nodes for keys that are the output of intermediate calculations. kwargs : All other keyword arguments are added to `graph_attr`. Examples -------- .. _visualize-example: Prepare a computer: >>> from genno import Computer >>> from genno.testing import add_test_data >>> c = Computer() >>> add_test_data(c) >>> c.add_product("z", "x:t", "x:y") >>> c.add("y::0", itemgetter(0), "y") >>> c.add("y0", "y::0") >>> c.add("index_to", "z::indexed", "z:y", "y::0") >>> c.add_single("all", ["z::indexed", "t", "config", "x:t"]) Visualize its contents: >>> c.visualize("example.svg") This produces the output: .. image:: _static/visualize.svg :alt: Example output from graphviz.visualize. See also -------- .describe.label """ # Handle arguments item_attr = { "data": data_attributes or {}, "func": function_attributes or {}, } _graph_attr: MutableMapping = dict(graph_attr) if graph_attr else {} _node_attr: MutableMapping = dict(node_attr) if node_attr else {} edge_attr = edge_attr or {} # Default attributes _graph_attr.setdefault("rankdir", "BT") _node_attr.setdefault("fontname", "helvetica") # Assume unused kwargs are for graph_attr _graph_attr.update(kwargs) # Use a directional shape like [> in LR mode; otherwise a box key_shape = "cds" if _graph_attr["rankdir"] == "LR" else "box" g = graphviz.Digraph( graph_attr=_graph_attr, node_attr=_node_attr, edge_attr=edge_attr ) seen = set() # Nodes or edges already seen connected: Set[str] = set() # Nodes already connected to the graph # Shorthand def _attrs(kind, key, **defaults): """Prepare a copy from `item_attr` for `kind` with `defaults`.""" result = item_attr[kind].get(key, {}).copy() for k, v in defaults.items(): result.setdefault(k, v) return result def _edge(a, b): """Add an edge to `g` and update `connected`.""" g.edge(a, b) connected.update(a, b) # Iterate over keys, tasks in the graph for k, v in dsk.items(): # A unique "name" for the node within `g`; similar to hash(k). k_name = name(k) if istask(v): # A task # Node name for the operation func_name = name((k, "function")) if not collapse_outputs else k_name # Add a node for the operation if collapse_outputs or func_name not in seen: seen.add(func_name) attrs = _attrs( "func", k, label=unwrap(label(v[0], max_length=50)), shape=key_shape ) g.node(func_name, **attrs) # Add an edge between the operation-node and the key-node of its output if not collapse_outputs: _edge(func_name, k_name) # Add edges between the operation-node and the key-nodes for each of its # inputs for dep in get_dependencies(dsk, k): dep_name = name(dep) if dep_name not in seen: seen.add(dep_name) attrs = _attrs("data", dep, label=key_label(dep), shape="ellipse") g.node(dep_name, **attrs) _edge(dep_name, func_name) elif ishashable(v) and v in dsk: # Simple alias of k → v _edge(name(v), k_name) elif is_list_of_keys(v, dsk): # k is a list of multiple keys (genno extension) for _v in v: _edge(name(_v), k_name) if (not collapse_outputs or k_name in connected) and k_name not in seen: # Something else that hasn't been seen: add a node that may never be # connected seen.add(k_name) attrs = _attrs("data", k, label=key_label(k), shape="ellipse") g.node(k_name, **attrs) return graphviz_to_file(g, None if filename is None else str(filename), format)