Utilities and compatibility

Compatibility with Dask.

genno.compat.dask.cull(dsk, keys)[source]

Like dask.optimization.cull().

This version calls to_keylike() on the culled graph and dependencies to ensure the resulting graph does not contain Key.


Rewrite Key value (or in value) to str.

Collections such as tuple and list are rewritten recursively.

class genno.compat.graphviz.Visualizer(data_attributes: Mapping, function_attributes: Mapping, graph_attr: Mapping, node_attr: Mapping, edge_attr: Mapping, kwargs: Mapping)[source]

Handle arguments for visualize().

add_edge(a, b) None[source]

Add an edge to the graph.

add_node(kind: Literal['data', 'func'], name: str, k, v=None) None[source]

Add a data node to the graph.

get_attrs(kind: Literal['data', 'func'], name: str, **defaults) dict[source]

Prepare attributes for a node of kind.

If name is in self.da or self.fa, use those values, filling with defaults; otherwise, attributes are empty except for defaults.

process(dsk: Mapping, collapse_outputs: bool)[source]

Process the dask graph dsk.

genno.compat.graphviz.unwrap(label: str) str[source]

Unwrap any number of paired ‘<’ and ‘>’ at the start/end of label.

These characters cause errors in graphviz/dot.

genno.compat.graphviz.visualize(dsk: Mapping, filename: str | PathLike | None = None, format: str | None = None, data_attributes: Mapping | None = None, function_attributes: Mapping | None = None, graph_attr: Mapping | None = None, node_attr: Mapping | None = None, edge_attr: Mapping | None = None, collapse_outputs: bool = False, **kwargs)[source]

Generate a Graphviz visualization of dsk.

This is merged and extended version of dask.base.visualize(), dask.dot.dot_graph(), and dask.dot.to_graphviz() that produces informative output for genno graphs.

  • dsk – The graph to display.

  • filename (pathlib.Path or str, optional) – The name of the file to write to disk. If the file name does not have a suffix, “.png” is used by default. If filename is None, no file is written, and dask communicates with dot using only pipes.

  • format ({'png', 'pdf', 'dot', 'svg', 'jpeg', 'jpg'}, optional) – Format in which to write output file, if not given by the suffix of filename. Default “png”.

  • data_attributes – Graphviz attributes to apply to single nodes representing keys, in addition to node_attr.

  • function_attributes – Graphviz attributes to apply to single nodes representing operations or functions, in addition to node_attr.

  • graph_attr – Mapping of (attribute, value) pairs for the graph. Passed directly to graphviz.Digraph.

  • node_attr – Mapping of (attribute, value) pairs set for all nodes. Passed directly to graphviz.Digraph.

  • edge_attr – Mapping of (attribute, value) pairs set for all edges. Passed directly to graphviz.Digraph.

  • collapse_outputs (bool, optional) – Omit nodes for keys that are the output of intermediate calculations.

  • kwargs – All other keyword arguments are added to graph_attr.


Prepare a computer:

>>> from genno import Computer
>>> from genno.testing import add_test_data
>>> c = Computer()
>>> add_test_data(c)
>>> c.add_product("z", "x:t", "x:y")
>>> c.add("y::0", itemgetter(0), "y")
>>> c.add("y0", "y::0")
>>> c.add("index_to", "z::indexed", "z:y", "y::0")
>>> c.add_single("all", ["z::indexed", "t", "config", "x:t"])

Visualize its contents:

>>> c.visualize("example.svg")

This produces the output:

Example output from graphviz.visualize.

See also



Context manager to disable Pandas Copy-on-Write (CoW).

A message is logged with level logging.DEBUG if the setting is changed.

genno.compat.pandas.handles_parquet_attrs() bool[source]

Return True if pandas can read/write attrs to/from Parquet files.

If not, a message is logged.

genno.core.describe.MAX_ITEM_LENGTH = 160

Default maximum length for outputs from describe_recursive().

genno.core.describe.describe_recursive(graph, comp, depth=0, seen=None)[source]

Recursive helper for describe().

  • graph – A dask graph.

  • comp – A dask computation.

  • depth (int) – Recursion depth. Used for indentation.

  • seen (set) – Keys that have already been described. Used to avoid double-printing.

genno.core.describe.is_list_of_keys(arg: Any, graph: Mapping) bool[source]

Identify a task which is a list of other keys.

genno.core.describe.label(arg, max_length=160) str[source]

Return a label for arg.

The label depends on the type of arg:

  • xarray.DataArray: the first line of the string representation.

  • functools.partial() object: a less-verbose version that omits None arguments.

  • Item protected with dask.core.quote(): its literal value.

  • A callable, e.g. a function: its name.

  • Anything else: its str representation.

In all cases, the string is no longer than max_length.

class genno.core.graph.Graph(*args, **kwargs)[source]

A dictionary for a graph indexed by Key.

Graph maintains indexes on set/delete/pop/update operations that allow for fast lookups/member checks in certain special cases:


Return key with its original or unsorted dimensions.


Return name_or_key with its full dimensions.

These basic features are used to provide higher-level helpers for Computer:

infer(key[, dims])

Infer a key.

full_key(name_or_key: Key | str) Key | str | None[source]

Return name_or_key with its full dimensions.

infer(key: str | Key, dims: Iterable[str] = []) Key | str | None[source]

Infer a key.


dims (list of str, optional) – Drop all but these dimensions from the returned key(s).


  • str – If key is not found in the Graph.

  • Keykey with either its full dimensions (cf. full_key()) or, if dims are given, with only these dims.


Overload dict.pop() to also call _deindex().

unsorted_key(key: Key | str) Key | str | None[source]

Return key with its original or unsorted dimensions.

update(arg=None, **kwargs)[source]

Overload dict.pop() to also call _index().


Type shorthand for Key or any other value that can be used as a key.

alias of Key | str

genno.core.key.iter_keys(value: Key | str | tuple[Key | str, ...]) Iterator[Key][source]

Yield Keys from value.


TypeErrorvalue is not an iterable of Key.

See also


genno.core.key.single_key(value: Key | str | tuple[Key | str, ...] | Iterator) Key[source]

Ensure value is a single Key.


TypeErrorvalue is not a Key or 1-tuple of Key.

See also


genno.util.REPLACE_UNITS = {'%': 'percent'}

Replacements to apply to Quantity units before parsing by pint. Mapping from original unit -> preferred unit.

The default values include:

  • The ‘%’ symbol cannot be supported by pint, because it is a Python operator; it is replaced with “percent”.

Additional values can be added with configure(); see units:.


Tolerate messy strings for units.

  • Dimensions enclosed in “[]” have these characters stripped.

  • Replacements from REPLACE_UNITS are applied.


Return the “_unit” attributes of the args.


Filter out str and Key from args.

A warning is logged for each element removed.

genno.util.free_parameters(func: Callable) Mapping[source]

Retrieve information on the free parameters of func.

Identical to inspect.signature(func).parameters; that is, to inspect.Signature.parameters. free_parameters also:

  • Handles functions that have been functools.partial()’d, returning only the parameters that have not already been assigned a value by the partial() call—the “free” parameters.

  • Caches return values for better performance.

genno.util.parse_units(data: Iterable, registry=None) pint.Unit[source]

Return a pint.Unit for an iterable of strings.

Valid unit expressions not already present in the registry are defined, e.g.:

u = parse_units(["foo/bar", "foo/bar"], reg)

…results in the addition of unit definitions equivalent to:

reg.define("foo = [foo]")
reg.define("bar = [bar]")
u = reg.foo / reg.bar

ValueError – if data contains more than 1 unit expression, or the unit expression contains characters not parseable by pint, e.g. -?$.

genno.util.partial_split(func: Callable, kwargs: Mapping) tuple[Callable, MutableMapping][source]

Forgiving version of functools.partial().

Returns a partial object and leftover keyword arguments that are not applicable to func.

genno.util.units_with_multiplier(value: str | pint.Unit | pint.Quantity | None) tuple[pint.Unit, float][source]

Separate units and multiplier from .UnitLike.


  1. pint.Unit.

  2. float; any multiplier on the units.

Return type:



Reverse dask.core.quote().