Source code for genno.testing

import contextlib
import logging
from copy import copy
from functools import partial
from itertools import chain, zip_longest
from typing import Dict

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pint
import pytest
import xarray as xr
from dask.core import quote
from pandas.testing import assert_series_equal

import genno.core.quantity
from genno import Computer, Key, Quantity

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def add_large_data(c: Computer, num_params, N_dims=6): """Add nodes to `c` that return large-ish data. The result is a matrix wherein the Cartesian product of all the keys is very large— about 2e17 elements for N_dim = 6—but the contents are very sparse. This can be handled by :class:`.SparseDataArray`, but not by :class:`xarray.DataArray` backed by :class:`np.array`. """ # Dimensions and their lengths (Fibonacci numbers) dims = "abcdefg"[:N_dims] sizes = [233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181][:N_dims] # commented; for debugging # # Output something like "True: 2584 values / 2.182437e+17 = 1.184e-12% full" # from math import prod # # total = prod(sizes) # # # See; total elements must be # # less than the maximum value of np.intp # repr(total < np.iinfo(np.intp).max) # + f": {max(sizes)} values / {total:3e} = {100 * max(sizes) / total:.3e}% full" # ) # Names like f_0000 ... f_1596 along each dimension coords = [] for d, N in zip(dims, sizes): coords.append([f"{d}_{i:04d}" for i in range(N)]) # Add to Computer c.add(d, quote(coords[-1])) def get_large_quantity(name): """Make a DataFrame containing each label in *coords* ≥ 1 time.""" values = list(zip_longest(*coords, np.random.rand(max(sizes))))"{len(values)} values") return Quantity( pd.DataFrame(values, columns=list(dims) + ["value"]) .ffill() .set_index(list(dims)), units=pint.get_application_registry().kilogram, name=name, ) # Fill the Scenario with quantities named q_01 ... q_09 keys = [] for i in range(num_params): key = Key(f"q_{i:02d}", dims) c.add(key, (partial(get_large_quantity, key),)) keys.append(key) return keys
[docs]def add_test_data(c: Computer): """:func:`add_test_data` operating on a Computer, not an ixmp.Scenario.""" # TODO combine with add_dantzig(), below # New sets t_foo = ["foo{}".format(i) for i in (1, 2, 3)] t_bar = ["bar{}".format(i) for i in (4, 5, 6)] t = t_foo + t_bar y = list(range(2000, 2051, 10)) # Add to Computer c.add("t", quote(t)) c.add("y", quote(y)) # Data ureg = pint.get_application_registry() x = Quantity( xr.DataArray(np.random.rand(len(t), len(y)), coords=[("t", t), ("y", y)]),, ) # Add, including sums and to index c.add(Key("x", ("t", "y")), Quantity(x), index=True, sums=True) return t, t_foo, t_bar, x
_i = ["seattle", "san-diego"] _j = ["new-york", "chicago", "topeka"] _TEST_DATA = { Key.from_str_or_key(k): data for k, data in { "a:i": (xr.DataArray([350, 600], coords=[("i", _i)]), "cases"), "b:j": (xr.DataArray([325, 300, 275], coords=[("i", _j)]), "cases"), "d:i-j": ( xr.DataArray( [[2.5, 1.7, 1.8], [2.5, 1.8, 1.4]], coords=[("i", _i), ("j", _j)] ), "km", ), "f:": (90.0, "USD/km"), # TODO complete the following # Decision variables and equations "x:i-j": ( xr.DataArray([[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]], coords=[("i", _i), ("j", _j)]), "cases", ), "z:": (0, "cases"), "cost:": (0, "USD"), "cost-margin:": (0, "USD"), "demand:j": (xr.DataArray([0, 0, 0], coords=[("j", _j)]), "cases"), "demand-margin:j": (xr.DataArray([0, 0, 0], coords=[("j", _j)]), "cases"), "supply:i": (xr.DataArray([0, 0], coords=[("i", _i)]), "cases"), "supply-margin:i": (xr.DataArray([0, 0], coords=[("i", _i)]), "cases"), }.items() }
[docs]def get_test_quantity(key: Key) -> Quantity: """Computation that returns test data.""" value, unit = _TEST_DATA[key] return Quantity(value,, units=unit)
[docs]def add_dantzig(c: Computer): """Add contents analogous to the ixmp Dantzig scenario.""" c.add("i", quote(_i)) c.add("j", quote(_j)) _all = list() for key in _TEST_DATA.keys(): c.add(key, (partial(get_test_quantity, key),), index=True, sums=True) _all.append(key) c.add("all", sorted(_all))
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def assert_logs(caplog, message_or_messages=None, at_level=None): """Assert that *message_or_messages* appear in logs. Use assert_logs as a context manager for a statement that is expected to trigger certain log messages. assert_logs checks that these messages are generated. Derived from :func:`ixmp.testing.assert_logs`. Example ------- >>> def test_foo(caplog): ... with assert_logs(caplog, 'a message'): ... logging.getLogger(__name__).info('this is a message!') Parameters ---------- caplog : object The pytest caplog fixture. message_or_messages : str or list of str String(s) that must appear in log messages. at_level : int, optional Messages must appear on 'genno' or a sub-logger with at least this level. """ # Wrap a string in a list expected = ( [message_or_messages] if isinstance(message_or_messages, str) else message_or_messages ) # Record the number of records prior to the managed block first = len(caplog.records) if at_level is not None: # Use the pytest caplog fixture's built-in context manager to temporarily set # the level of the logger for the whole package (parent of the current module) ctx = caplog.at_level(at_level, logger=__name__.split(".")[0]) else: # ctx does nothing ctx = contextlib.nullcontext() try: with ctx: yield # Nothing provided to the managed block finally: # List of bool indicating whether each of `expected` was found found = [any(e in msg for msg in caplog.messages[first:]) for e in expected] if not all(found): # Format a description of the missing messages lines = chain( ["Did not log:"], [f" {repr(msg)}" for i, msg in enumerate(expected) if not found[i]], ["among:"], [" []"] if len(caplog.records) == first else [f" {repr(msg)}" for msg in caplog.messages[first:]], )"\n".join(lines))
[docs]def assert_qty_equal( a, b, check_type: bool = True, check_attrs: bool = True, ignore_extra_coords: bool = False, **kwargs, ): """Assert that objects `a` and `b` are equal. Parameters ---------- check_type : bool, optional Assert that `a` and `b` are both :class:`Quantity` instances. If :obj:`False`, the arguments are converted to Quantity. check_attrs : bool, optional Also assert that check that attributes are identical. ignore_extra_coords : bool, optional Ignore extra coords that are not dimensions. Only meaningful when Quantity is :class:`SparseDataArray`. """ __tracebackhide__ = True try: assert type(a) == type(b) and type(a).__name__ == genno.core.quantity.CLASS except AssertionError: if check_type: raise else: # Convert both arguments to Quantity a = Quantity(a) b = Quantity(b) if genno.core.quantity.CLASS == "AttrSeries": try: a = a.sort_index().dropna() b = b.sort_index().dropna() except TypeError: pass assert_series_equal(a, b, check_dtype=False, **kwargs) else: import xarray.testing if ignore_extra_coords: a = a.reset_coords(set(a.coords.keys()) - set(a.dims), drop=True) b = b.reset_coords(set(b.coords.keys()) - set(b.dims), drop=True) assert 0 == len(kwargs) xarray.testing.assert_equal(a._sda.dense, b._sda.dense) # Check attributes are equal if check_attrs: assert a.attrs == b.attrs
[docs]def assert_qty_allclose( a, b, check_type: bool = True, check_attrs: bool = True, ignore_extra_coords: bool = False, **kwargs, ): """Assert that objects `a` and `b` have numerically close values. Parameters ---------- check_type : bool, optional Assert that `a` and `b` are both :class:`Quantity` instances. If :obj:`False`, the arguments are converted to Quantity. check_attrs : bool, optional Also assert that check that attributes are identical. ignore_extra_coords : bool, optional Ignore extra coords that are not dimensions. Only meaningful when Quantity is :class:`SparseDataArray`. """ __tracebackhide__ = True try: assert type(a) == type(b) and type(a).__name__ == genno.core.quantity.CLASS except AssertionError: if check_type: raise else: # Convert both arguments to Quantity a = Quantity(a) b = Quantity(b) if genno.core.quantity.CLASS == "AttrSeries": assert_series_equal(a.sort_index(), b.sort_index(), **kwargs) else: import xarray.testing if ignore_extra_coords: a = a.reset_coords(set(a.coords.keys()) - set(a.dims), drop=True) b = b.reset_coords(set(b.coords.keys()) - set(b.dims), drop=True) # Remove a kwarg not recognized by the xarray function kwargs.pop("check_dtype", None) xarray.testing.assert_allclose(a._sda.dense, b._sda.dense, **kwargs) # Check attributes are equal if check_attrs: assert a.attrs == b.attrs
[docs]def assert_units(qty: Quantity, exp: str) -> None: """Assert that `qty` has units `exp`.""" assert ( qty.units / qty.units._REGISTRY(exp) ).dimensionless, f"Units '{qty.units:~}'; expected {repr(exp)}"
@pytest.fixture(params=["AttrSeries", "SparseDataArray"]) def parametrize_quantity_class(request): """Fixture to run tests twice, for both Quantity implementations.""" pre = genno.core.quantity.CLASS genno.core.quantity.CLASS = request.param yield genno.core.quantity.CLASS = pre @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def quantity_is_sparsedataarray(request): pre = copy(genno.core.quantity.CLASS) genno.core.quantity.CLASS = "SparseDataArray" yield genno.core.quantity.CLASS = pre
[docs]def random_qty(shape: Dict[str, int], **kwargs): """Return a Quantity with `shape` and random contents. Parameters ---------- shape : dict (str -> int) Mapping from dimension names to lengths along each dimension. **kwargs Other keyword arguments to :class:`Quantity`. Returns ------- Quantity Random data with one dimension for each key in `shape`, and coords along those dimensions like "foo1", "foo2", with total length matching the value from `shape`. If `shape` is empty, a scalar (0-dimensional) Quantity. """ return Quantity( xr.DataArray( np.random.rand(*shape.values()) if len(shape) else np.random.rand(1)[0], coords=[ (dim, [f"{dim}{i}" for i in range(length)]) for dim, length in shape.items() ], ), **kwargs, )