Source code for genno.config

import logging
from copy import copy
from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union

import pint
import yaml

import genno.computations as computations
from import Computer
from genno.core.exceptions import KeyExistsError
from genno.core.key import Key
from genno.util import REPLACE_UNITS

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

#: Registry of configuration section handlers.
HANDLERS: Dict[str, Any] = {}

#: Configuration sections/keys to be stored with no action.
STORE = set(["cache_path", "cache_skip"])

[docs]def configure(path: Union[Path, str] = None, **config): """Configure :mod:`genno` globally. Modifies global variables that affect the behaviour of *all* Computers and computations. Configuration keys loaded from file are superseded by keyword arguments. Messages are logged at level :obj:`logging.INFO` if `config` contains unhandled sections. Parameters ---------- path : Path, optional Path to a configuration file in JSON or YAML format. **config : Configuration keys/sections and values. """ if path: config["path"] = Path(path) # The value of fail= doesn't matter, since no Computer is given parse_config(None, data=config, fail="raise")
[docs]def handles(section_name: str, iterate: bool = True, discard: bool = True): """Decorator to register a configuration section handler in :data:`HANDLERS`. Parameters ---------- section_name: str The name of the configuration section to handle. Using a name already present in :data:`HANDLERS` overrides that handler. iterate : bool, optional If :obj:`True`, the handler is called once for each item (either list item, or (key, value) tuple) in the section. If :obj:`False`, the entire section contents, of whatever type, are passed to tha handler. discard : bool, optional If :obj:`True`, configuration section data is discarded after the handler is called. If :obj:`False`, the data is retained and stored on the Computer. """ def wrapper(f: Callable): if section_name in HANDLERS: log.debug( f"Override handler {repr(HANDLERS[section_name])} for " f" '{section_name}:'" ) HANDLERS[section_name] = f setattr(f, "_iterate", iterate) setattr(f, "_discard", discard) return f return wrapper
def parse_config( c: Optional[Computer], data: dict, fail: Optional[Union[str, int]] = None, ): # Assemble a queue of (args, kwargs) for Computer.add_queue() queue: List[Tuple[Tuple, Dict]] = [] try: path = data.pop("path") except KeyError: pass else: # Load configuration from file path = Path(path) with open(path, "r") as f: new_data = yaml.safe_load(f) # Overwrite the file content with direct configuration values new_data.update(data) data = new_data # Also store the directory where the configuration file was located if c is None: data["config_dir"] = path.parent else: # Early add to the graph c.graph["config"]["config_dir"] = path.parent # Sections to discard, e.g. with handler._store = False discard = set() for section_name, section_data in data.items(): handler = HANDLERS.get(section_name) if not handler: if section_name not in STORE: f"No handler for configuration section '{section_name}:'; ignored" ) continue if handler._discard: discard.add(section_name) if handler._iterate: if isinstance(section_data, dict): iterator: Iterable = section_data.items() elif isinstance(section_data, list): iterator = section_data else: # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError(handler.expected_type) queue.extend((("apply", handler), dict(info=item)) for item in iterator) else: handler(c, section_data) for section_name in discard: data.pop(section_name) if c: # Process the entries c.add_queue(queue, max_tries=2, fail=fail) # Store configuration in the graph itself c.graph["config"].update(data) elif len(queue): raise RuntimeError("Cannot apply non-global configuration without a Computer")
[docs]@handles("aggregate") def aggregate(c: Computer, info): """Handle one entry from the ``aggregate:`` config section.""" # Copy for destructive .pop() info = copy(info) quantities = c.infer_keys(info.pop("_quantities")) tag = info.pop("_tag") fail = info.pop("_fail", None) groups = {info.pop("_dim"): info} for qty in quantities: try: keys = c.aggregate(qty, tag, groups, sums=True, fail=fail) except KeyExistsError: pass else: if len(keys):"Add {repr(keys[0])} + {len(keys)-1} partial sums")
[docs]@handles("alias") def alias(c: Computer, info): """Handle one entry from the ``alias:`` config section.""" c.add(info[0], info[1])
[docs]@handles("combine") def combine(c: Computer, info): """Handle one entry from the ``combine:`` config section.""" # Split inputs into three lists quantities, select, weights = [], [], [] # Key for the new quantity key = Key.from_str_or_key(info["key"]) # Loop over inputs to the combination for i in info["inputs"]: # Required dimensions for this input: output key's dims, plus any # dims that must be selected on selector = i.get("select", {}) dims = set(key.dims) | set(selector.keys()) quantities.append(c.infer_keys(i["quantity"], dims)) select.append(selector) weights.append(i.get("weight", 1)) # Check for malformed input assert len(quantities) == len(select) == len(weights) # Computation task = tuple( [partial(computations.combine, select=select, weights=weights)] + quantities ) added = c.add(key, task, strict=True, sums=True)"Add {repr(key)} + {len(added)-1} partial sums") log.debug(" as combination of") log.debug(f" {repr(quantities)}")
[docs]@handles("default", iterate=False) def default(c: Computer, info): """Handle the ``default:`` config section.""" c.default_key = info
[docs]@handles("files") def files(c: Computer, info): """Handle one entry from the ``files:`` config section.""" # Files with exogenous data path = Path(info["path"]) if not path.is_absolute(): # Resolve relative paths relative to the directory containing the configuration # file path = c.graph["config"].get("config_dir", Path.cwd()) / path info["path"] = path c.add_file(**info)
[docs]@handles("general") def general(c: Computer, info): """Handle one entry from the ``general:`` config section.""" # Inputs inputs = c.infer_keys(info.get("inputs", [])) if info["comp"] == "product": key = c.add_product(info["key"], *inputs)"Add {repr(key)} using .add_product()") else: # The resulting key key = info["key"] key = key if Key.bare_name(key) else Key.from_str_or_key(key) # Infer the dimensions of the resulting key if ":*:" is given for the dims if set(getattr(key, "dims", {})) == {"*"}: key = Key.product(, *inputs, tag=key.tag) # log.debug(f"Inferred dimensions ({', '.join(key.dims)}) for '*'") # If info["comp"] is None, the task is a list that collects other keys _seq: Type = list task = [] if info["comp"] is not None: _seq = tuple # Task is a computation # Retrieve the function for the computation f = c.get_comp(info["comp"]) if f is None: raise ValueError(info["comp"]) task = [partial(f, **info.get("args", {}))]"Add {repr(key)} using {f.__module__}.{f.__name__}(…)") task.extend(inputs) added = c.add(key, _seq(task), strict=True, sums=info.get("sums", False)) if isinstance(added, tuple):" + {len(added)-1} partial sums")
[docs]@handles("report") def report(c: Computer, info): """Handle one entry from the ``report:`` config section.""""Add report {info['key']} with {len(info['members'])} table(s)") # Concatenatqe pyam data structures c.add(info["key"], tuple([c.get_comp("concat")] + info["members"]), strict=True)
[docs]@handles("units", iterate=False) def units(c: Computer, info): """Handle the ``units:`` config section.""" # Define units registry = pint.get_application_registry() try: defs = info["define"].strip() registry.define(defs) except KeyError: pass except pint.DefinitionSyntaxError as e: log.warning(e) else:"Apply global unit definitions {defs}") # Add replacements for old, new in info.get("replace", {}).items():"Replace unit {repr(old)} with {repr(new)}") REPLACE_UNITS[old] = new