Source code for genno.caching

import json
import logging
import pickle
from hashlib import sha1
from pathlib import Path

from .util import unquote

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class PathEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """JSON encoder that handles :class:`pathlib.Path`. Used by :func:`.arg_hash`. """
[docs] def default(self, o): if isinstance(o, Path): return str(o) # Let the base class default method raise the TypeError return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, o)
[docs]def arg_hash(*args, **kwargs): """Return a unique hash for `args` and `kwargs`. Used by :func:`.make_cache_decorator`. """ if len(args) + len(kwargs) == 0: unique = "" else: unique = json.dumps(args, cls=PathEncoder) + json.dumps(kwargs, cls=PathEncoder) # Uncomment for debugging # log.debug(f"Cache key hashed from: {unique}") return sha1(unique.encode()).hexdigest()
[docs]def make_cache_decorator(computer, func): """Helper for :meth:`.Computer.cache`.""" log.debug(f"Wrapping {func.__name__} in Computer.cache()") # Wrap the call to load_func def cached_load(*args, **kwargs): # Retrieve cache settings from the Computer config = unquote(computer.graph["config"]) cache_path = config.get("cache_path") cache_skip = config.get("cache_skip", False) if not cache_path: cache_path = Path.cwd() log.warning(f"'cache_path' configuration not set; using {cache_path}") # Path to the cache file name_parts = [func.__name__, arg_hash(*args, **kwargs)] cache_path = cache_path.joinpath("-".join(name_parts)).with_suffix(".pkl") # Shorter name for logging short_name = f"{name_parts[0]}(<{name_parts[1][:8]}…>)" if not cache_skip and cache_path.exists():"Cache hit for {short_name}") with open(cache_path, "rb") as f: return pickle.load(f) else:"Cache miss for {short_name}") data = func(*args, **kwargs) with open(cache_path, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(data, f) return data return cached_load