Source code for genno.core.sparsedataarray

from typing import Any, Dict, Hashable, Mapping, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import sparse
import xarray as xr
from xarray.core import dtypes
from xarray.core.utils import either_dict_or_kwargs

from genno.core.quantity import Quantity

[docs]@xr.register_dataarray_accessor("_sda") class SparseAccessor: """:mod:`xarray` accessor to help :class:`SparseDataArray`. See the xarray accessor documentation, e.g. :func:`~xarray.register_dataarray_accessor`. """ def __init__(self, obj): self.da = obj
[docs] def convert(self): """Return a :class:`SparseDataArray` instance.""" if not self.da._sda.COO_data: # Dense (numpy.ndarray) data; convert to sparse data = sparse.COO.from_numpy(, fill_value=np.nan) elif not np.isnan( # sparse.COO with non-NaN fill value; copy and change data = data.fill_value = data.dtype.type(np.nan) else: # No change data = if isinstance(self.da, SparseDataArray): # Replace the variable, returning a copy variable = self.da.variable._replace(data=data) return self.da._replace(variable=variable) else: # Construct return SparseDataArray( data=data, coords=self.da.coords, dims=self.da.dims,, attrs=self.da.attrs, )
@property def COO_data(self): """:obj:`True` if the DataArray has :class:`sparse.COO` data.""" return isinstance(, sparse.COO) @property def dense(self): """Return a copy with dense (:class:`.ndarray`) data.""" # Use existing method xr.Variable._to_dense() return self.da._replace(variable=self.da.variable._to_dense()) @property def dense_super(self): """Return a proxy to a :class:`.ndarray`-backed :class:`.DataArray`.""" return super(SparseDataArray, self.dense)
[docs]class SparseDataArray(xr.DataArray, Quantity): """:class:`~xarray.DataArray` with sparse data. SparseDataArray uses :class:`sparse.COO` for storage with :data:`numpy.nan` as its :attr:`sparse.COO.fill_value`. Some methods of :class:`~xarray.DataArray` are overridden to ensure data is in sparse, or dense, format as necessary, to provide expected functionality not currently supported by :mod:`sparse`, and to avoid exhausting memory for some operations that require dense data. """ __slots__: Tuple[str, ...] = tuple() def __init__( self, data: Any = dtypes.NA, coords: Union[Sequence[Tuple], Mapping[Hashable, Any], None] = None, dims: Union[Hashable, Sequence[Hashable], None] = None, name: Hashable = None, attrs: Mapping = None, # internal parameters indexes: Dict[Hashable, pd.Index] = None, fastpath: bool = False, **kwargs, ): if fastpath: return xr.DataArray.__init__( self, data, coords, dims, name, attrs, indexes, fastpath ) attrs = Quantity._collect_attrs(data, attrs, kwargs) assert 0 == len( kwargs ), f"Unrecognized kwargs {kwargs.keys()} to SparseDataArray()" if isinstance(data, int): data = float(data) data, name = Quantity._single_column_df(data, name) if isinstance(data, pd.Series): # Possibly converted from pd.DataFrame, above if data.dtype == int: # Ensure float data data = data.astype(float) data = xr.DataArray.from_series(data, sparse=True) if isinstance(data, xr.DataArray): # Possibly converted from pd.Series, above coords = data._coords data = data.variable # Invoke the xr.DataArray constructor xr.DataArray.__init__(self, data, coords, dims, name, attrs) if not isinstance(, sparse.COO): # Dense (numpy.ndarray) data; convert to sparse data = sparse.COO.from_numpy(, fill_value=np.nan) elif not np.isnan( # sparse.COO with non-NaN fill value; copy and change data = data.fill_value = data.dtype.type(np.nan) else: # No change return # Replace the variable self._variable = self._variable._replace(data=data)
[docs] @classmethod def from_series(cls, obj, sparse=True): """Convert a pandas.Series into a SparseDataArray.""" # Call the parent method always with sparse=True, then re-wrap return xr.DataArray.from_series(obj, sparse=True)._sda.convert()
[docs] def ffill(self, dim: Hashable, limit: int = None): """Override :meth:`~xarray.DataArray.ffill` to auto-densify.""" return self._sda.dense_super.ffill(dim, limit)._sda.convert()
[docs] def equals(self, other) -> bool: """True if two SparseDataArrays have the same dims, coords, and values. Overrides :meth:`~xarray.DataArray.equals` for sparse data. """ # Necessary for :meth:`xarray.testing.assert_equal` to work. return self.variable.equals(other.variable, equiv=np.equal)
[docs] def item(self): """Analogous to :meth:`pandas.Series.item`.""" if len( == 0: return[0] raise ValueError("can only convert an array of size 1 to a Python scalar")
[docs] def sel( self, indexers=None, method=None, tolerance=None, drop=False, **indexers_kwargs ) -> "SparseDataArray": """Return a new array by selecting labels along the specified dim(s). Overrides :meth:`~xarray.DataArray.sel` to handle >1-D indexers with sparse data. """ indexers = either_dict_or_kwargs(indexers, indexers_kwargs, "sel") if isinstance(indexers, dict) and len(indexers) > 1: result = self for k, v in indexers.items(): result = result.sel( {k: v}, method=method, tolerance=tolerance, drop=drop ) return result else: return ( super() .sel(indexers=indexers, method=method, tolerance=tolerance, drop=drop) ._sda.convert() )
[docs] def to_dataframe(self, name=None): """Convert this array and its coords into a :class:`~xarray.DataFrame`. Overrides :meth:`~xarray.DataArray.to_dataframe`. """ return self.to_series().to_frame(name)
[docs] def to_series(self) -> pd.Series: """Convert this array into a :class:`~pandas.Series`. Overrides :meth:`~xarray.DataArray.to_series` to create the series without first converting to a potentially very large :class:`numpy.ndarray`. """ # Use SparseArray.coords and .data (each already 1-D) to construct the pd.Series # Construct a pd.MultiIndex without using .from_product index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(, names=self.dims).set_levels( [self.coords[d].values for d in self.dims] ) return pd.Series(, index=index,