Source code for genno.computations

"""Elementary computations for genno."""
# Notes:
# - To avoid ambiguity, computations should not have default arguments. Define
#   default values for the corresponding methods on the Computer class.
import logging
from import Mapping
from pathlib import Path

import pandas as pd
import pint

from genno.core.attrseries import AttrSeries
from genno.core.quantity import Quantity, assert_quantity
from genno.util import collect_units, filter_concat_args

__all__ = [

import xarray as xr  # noqa: E402

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Carry unit attributes automatically

[docs]def add(*quantities, fill_value=0.0): """Sum across multiple `quantities`. Raises ------ ValueError if any of the `quantities` have incompatible units. Returns ------- .Quantity Units are the same as the first of `quantities`. """ # Ensure arguments are all quantities assert_quantity(*quantities) if isinstance(quantities[0], AttrSeries): # map() returns an iterable quantities = iter(quantities) else: # Use xarray's built-in broadcasting, return to Quantity class quantities = map(Quantity, xr.broadcast(*quantities)) # Initialize result values with first entry result = next(quantities) ref_unit = collect_units(result)[0] # Iterate over remaining entries for q in quantities: u = collect_units(q)[0] if not u.is_compatible_with(ref_unit): raise ValueError(f"Units '{ref_unit:~}' and '{u:~}' are incompatible") factor = u.from_(1.0, strict=False).to(ref_unit).magnitude if isinstance(q, AttrSeries): result = result.add(factor * q, fill_value=fill_value).dropna() else: result = result + factor * q return result
[docs]def aggregate(quantity, groups, keep): """Aggregate *quantity* by *groups*. Parameters ---------- quantity : :class:`Quantity <genno.utils.Quantity>` groups: dict of dict Top-level keys are the names of dimensions in `quantity`. Second-level keys are group names; second-level values are lists of labels along the dimension to sum into a group. keep : bool If True, the members that are aggregated into a group are returned with the group sums. If False, they are discarded. Returns ------- :class:`Quantity <genno.utils.Quantity>` Same dimensionality as `quantity`. """ attrs = quantity.attrs.copy() for dim, dim_groups in groups.items(): # Optionally keep the original values values = [quantity] if keep else [] # Aggregate each group for group, members in dim_groups.items(): agg = quantity.sel({dim: members}).sum(dim=dim).expand_dims({dim: [group]}) if isinstance(agg, AttrSeries): # .transpose() is necessary for AttrSeries agg = agg.transpose(*quantity.dims) else: # Restore fill_value=NaN for compatibility agg = agg._sda.convert() values.append(agg) # Reassemble to a single dataarray quantity = concat(*values, dim=dim) # Preserve attrs quantity.attrs = attrs return quantity
[docs]def apply_units(qty, units, quiet=False): """Simply apply *units* to *qty*. Logs on level ``WARNING`` if *qty* already has existing units. Parameters ---------- qty : .Quantity units : str or pint.Unit Units to apply to *qty* quiet : bool, optional If :obj:`True` log on level ``DEBUG``. """ registry = pint.get_application_registry() existing = qty.attrs.get("_unit", None) existing_dims = getattr(existing, "dimensionality", {}) new_units = registry.parse_units(units) if len(existing_dims): # Some existing dimensions: log a message either way if existing_dims == new_units.dimensionality: log.debug(f"Convert '{existing}' to '{new_units}'") # NB use a factor because pint.Quantity cannot wrap AttrSeries factor = registry.Quantity(1.0, existing).to(new_units).magnitude result = qty * factor else: msg = f"Replace '{existing}' with incompatible '{new_units}'" log.warning(msg) result = qty.copy() else: # No units, or dimensionless result = qty.copy() result.attrs["_unit"] = new_units return result
[docs]def broadcast_map(quantity, map, rename={}, strict=False): """Broadcast `quantity` using a `map`. The `map` must be a 2-dimensional Quantity with dimensions (``d1``, ``d2``), such as returned by :func:`map_as_qty`. `quantity` must also have a dimension ``d1``. Typically ``len(d2) > len(d1)``. `quantity` is 'broadcast' by multiplying it with `map`, and then summing on the common dimension ``d1``. The result has the dimensions of `quantity`, but with ``d2`` in place of ``d1``. Parameters ---------- rename : dict (str -> str), optional Dimensions to rename on the result. strict : bool, optional Require that each element of ``d2`` is mapped from exactly 1 element of ``d1``. """ # NB int() is for AttrSeries if strict and int(map.sum()) != len(map.coords[map.dims[1]]): raise ValueError("invalid map") return product(quantity, map).sum(map.dims[0]).rename(rename)
[docs]def combine(*quantities, select=None, weights=None): # noqa: F811 """Sum distinct *quantities* by *weights*. Parameters ---------- *quantities : Quantity The quantities to be added. select : list of dict Elements to be selected from each quantity. Must have the same number of elements as `quantities`. weights : list of float Weight applied to each quantity. Must have the same number of elements as `quantities`. Raises ------ ValueError If the *quantities* have mismatched units. """ # Handle arguments select = select or len(quantities) * [{}] weights = weights or len(quantities) * [1.0] # Check units units = collect_units(*quantities) for u in units: # TODO relax this condition: modify the weights with conversion factors if the # units are compatible, but not the same if u != units[0]: raise ValueError(f"Cannot combine() units {units[0]} and {u}") units = units[0] args = [] for quantity, indexers, weight in zip(quantities, select, weights): # Select data temp = globals()["select"](quantity, indexers) # Dimensions along which multiple values are selected multi = [dim for dim, values in indexers.items() if isinstance(values, list)] if len(multi): # Sum along these dimensions temp = temp.sum(dim=multi) args.append(weight * temp) result = add(*args) result.attrs["_unit"] = units return result
[docs]def concat(*objs, **kwargs): """Concatenate Quantity `objs`. Any strings included amongst `objs` are discarded, with a logged warning; these usually indicate that a quantity is referenced which is not in the Computer. """ objs = filter_concat_args(objs) if Quantity._get_class() is AttrSeries: try: # Retrieve a "dim" keyword argument dim = kwargs.pop("dim") except KeyError: pass else: if isinstance(dim, pd.Index): # Convert a pd.Index argument to names and keys kwargs["names"] = [] kwargs["keys"] = dim.values else: # Something else; warn and discard log.warning(f"Ignore concat(…, dim={repr(dim)})") return pd.concat(objs, **kwargs) else: # Correct fill-values return xr.concat(objs, **kwargs)._sda.convert()
[docs]def disaggregate_shares(quantity, shares): """Disaggregate *quantity* by *shares*.""" result = quantity * shares result.attrs["_unit"] = collect_units(quantity)[0] return result
[docs]def group_sum(qty, group, sum): """Group by dimension *group*, then sum across dimension *sum*. The result drops the latter dimension. """ return concat( *[values.sum(dim=[sum]) for _, values in qty.groupby(group)], dim=group, )
[docs]def load_file(path, dims={}, units=None, name=None): """Read the file at *path* and return its contents as a :class:`.Quantity`. Some file formats are automatically converted into objects for direct use in genno computations: :file:`.csv`: Converted to :class:`.Quantity`. CSV files must have a 'value' column; all others are treated as indices, except as given by `dims`. Lines beginning with '#' are ignored. Parameters ---------- path : pathlib.Path Path to the file to read. dims : or, optional If a collection of names, other columns besides these and 'value' are discarded. If a mapping, the keys are the column labels in `path`, and the values are the target dimension names. units : str or pint.Unit Units to apply to the loaded Quantity. name : str Name for the loaded Quantity. """ # TODO optionally cache: if the same Computer is used repeatedly, then the file will # be read each time; instead cache the contents in memory. if path.suffix == ".csv": data = pd.read_csv(path, comment="#", skipinitialspace=True) # Index columns index_columns = data.columns.tolist() index_columns.remove("value") try: # Retrieve the unit column from the file units_col = data.pop("unit").unique() index_columns.remove("unit") except KeyError: pass # No such column; use None or argument value else: # Use a unique value for units of the quantity if len(units_col) > 1: raise ValueError( f"Cannot load {path} with non-unique units {repr(units_col)}" ) elif units and units not in units_col: raise ValueError( f"Explicit units {units} do not match {units_col[0]} in {path}" ) units = units_col[0] if len(dims): # Convert a list, set, etc. to a dict dims = dims if isinstance(dims, Mapping) else {d: d for d in dims} # - Drop columns not mentioned in *dims* # - Rename columns according to *dims* data = data.drop(columns=set(index_columns) - set(dims.keys())).rename( columns=dims ) index_columns = list(data.columns) index_columns.pop(index_columns.index("value")) return Quantity(data.set_index(index_columns)["value"], units=units, name=name) elif path.suffix in (".xls", ".xlsx"): # TODO define expected Excel data input format raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover elif path.suffix == ".yaml": # TODO define expected YAML data input format raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover else: # Default return open(path).read()
[docs]def pow(a, b): """Compute `a` raised to the power of `b`. .. todo:: Provide units on the result in the special case where `b` is a Quantity but all its values are the same :class:`int`. Returns ------- .Quantity If `b` is :class:`int`, then the quantity has the units of `a` raised to this power; e.g. "kg²" → "kg⁴" if `b` is 2. In other cases, there are no meaningful units, so the returned quantity is dimensionless. """ if isinstance(b, int): unit_exponent = b b = Quantity(float(b)) else: unit_exponent = 0 u_a, u_b = collect_units(a, b) if not u_b.dimensionless: raise ValueError(f"Cannot raise to a power with units ({u_b:~})") if isinstance(a, AttrSeries): result = a ** b.align_levels(a) else: result = a ** b result.attrs["_unit"] = ( a.attrs["_unit"] ** unit_exponent if unit_exponent else pint.get_application_registry().dimensionless ) return result
[docs]def product(*quantities): """Compute the product of any number of *quantities*.""" # Iterator over (quantity, unit) tuples items = zip(quantities, collect_units(*quantities)) # Initialize result values with first entry result, u_result = next(items) # Iterate over remaining entries for q, u in items: if isinstance(q, AttrSeries): # Work around pandas-dev/pandas#25760; see result = (result * q.align_levels(result)).dropna() else: result = result * q u_result *= u result.attrs["_unit"] = u_result return result
[docs]def ratio(numerator, denominator): """Compute the ratio `numerator` / `denominator`. Parameters ---------- numerator : .Quantity denominator : .Quantity """ # Handle units u_num, u_denom = collect_units(numerator, denominator) if isinstance(numerator, AttrSeries): result = numerator / denominator.align_levels(numerator) else: result = numerator / denominator # This shouldn't be necessary; would instead prefer: # result.attrs["_unit"] = u_num / u_denom # … but is necessary to avoid an issue when the operands are different Unit classes ureg = pint.get_application_registry() result.attrs["_unit"] = ureg.Unit(u_num) / ureg.Unit(u_denom) if isinstance(result, AttrSeries): result.dropna(inplace=True) return result
#: TODO make this the actual method name; emit DeprecationWarning if ratio() is used div = ratio
[docs]def select(qty, indexers, inverse=False): """Select from *qty* based on *indexers*. Parameters ---------- qty : .Quantity indexers : dict (str -> list of str) Elements to be selected from *qty*. Mapping from dimension names to labels along each dimension. inverse : bool, optional If :obj:`True`, *remove* the items in indexers instead of keeping them. """ if inverse: new_indexers = {} for dim, labels in indexers.items(): new_indexers[dim] = list( filter(lambda l: l not in labels, qty.coords[dim].data) ) indexers = new_indexers return qty.sel(indexers)
[docs]def sum(quantity, weights=None, dimensions=None): """Sum *quantity* over *dimensions*, with optional *weights*. Parameters ---------- quantity : .Quantity weights : .Quantity, optional If *dimensions* is given, *weights* must have at least these dimensions. Otherwise, any dimensions are valid. dimensions : list of str, optional If not provided, sum over all dimensions. If provided, sum over these dimensions. """ if weights is None: weights, w_total = 1, 1 else: w_total = weights.sum(dim=dimensions) result = (quantity * weights).sum(dim=dimensions) / w_total result.attrs["_unit"] = collect_units(quantity)[0] return result
[docs]def write_report(quantity, path): """Write a quantity to a file. Parameters ---------- path : str or Path Path to the file to be written. """ path = Path(path) if path.suffix == ".csv": quantity.to_dataframe().to_csv(path) elif path.suffix == ".xlsx": quantity.to_dataframe().to_excel(path, merge_cells=False) else: path.write_text(quantity)