Source code for genno.core.attrseries

import logging
from functools import partial
from typing import Any, Hashable, Iterable, Mapping, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pandas.core.indexes.base as ibase
import pint
import xarray as xr
from xarray.core.utils import either_dict_or_kwargs

from genno.core.quantity import Quantity

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _multiindex_of(obj: pd.Series):
    """Return ``obj.index``; if this is not a :class:`pandas.MultiIndex`, convert."""
    return (
        if isinstance(obj.index, pd.MultiIndex)
        else pd.MultiIndex.from_product([obj.index])

[docs]class AttrSeries(pd.Series, Quantity): """:class:`pandas.Series` subclass imitating :class:`xarray.DataArray`. The AttrSeries class provides similar methods and behaviour to :class:`xarray.DataArray`, so that :mod:`genno.computations` functions and user code can use xarray-like syntax. In particular, this allows such code to be agnostic about the order of dimensions. Parameters ---------- units : str or pint.Unit, optional Set the units attribute. The value is converted to :class:`pint.Unit` and added to `attrs`. attrs : :class:``, optional Set the :attr:`~pandas.Series.attrs` of the AttrSeries. This attribute was added in `pandas 1.0 <>`_, but is not currently supported by the Series constructor. """ # See @property def _constructor(self): return AttrSeries def __init__(self, data=None, *args, name=None, attrs=None, **kwargs): attrs = Quantity._collect_attrs(data, attrs, kwargs) if isinstance(data, (pd.Series, xr.DataArray)): # Extract name from existing object or use the argument name = ibase.maybe_extract_name(name, data, type(self)) try: # Pre-convert to pd.Series from xr.DataArray to preserve names and # labels. For AttrSeries, this is a no-op (see below). data = data.to_series() except AttributeError: # pd.Series pass except ValueError: # xr.DataArray if data.shape == tuple(): # data is a scalar/0-dimensional xr.DataArray. Pass the 1 value data = else: # pragma: no cover raise else: attrs.update() data, name = Quantity._single_column_df(data, name) # Don't pass attrs to pd.Series constructor; it currently does not accept them pd.Series.__init__(self, data, *args, name=name, **kwargs) # Update the attrs after initialization self.attrs.update(attrs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_series(cls, series, sparse=None): """Like :meth:`xarray.DataArray.from_series`.""" return AttrSeries(series)
def __setattr__(self, name: str, value: Any) -> None: """Set the units of the Quantity.""" if name == "units": self.attrs["_unit"] = pint.get_application_registry().Unit(value) else: super().__setattr__(name, value)
[docs] def assign_coords(self, coords=None, **coord_kwargs): """Like :meth:`xarray.DataArray.assign_coords`.""" coords = either_dict_or_kwargs(coords, coord_kwargs, "assign_coords") idx = _multiindex_of(self) # Construct a new index new_idx = idx.copy() for dim, values in coords.items(): expected_len = len(idx.levels[idx.names.index(dim)]) if expected_len != len(values): raise ValueError( f"conflicting sizes for dimension {repr(dim)}: length " f"{expected_len} on <this-array> and length {len(values)} on " f"{repr(dim)}" ) new_idx = new_idx.set_levels(values, level=dim) # Return a new object with the new index return self.set_axis(new_idx)
[docs] def bfill(self, dim: Hashable, limit: int = None): """Like :meth:`xarray.DataArray.bfill`.""" return self.__class__( self.unstack(dim) .fillna(method="bfill", axis=1, limit=limit) .stack() .reorder_levels(self.dims), attrs=self.attrs, )
@property def coords(self): """Like :attr:`xarray.DataArray.coords`. Read-only.""" levels = ( self.index.levels if isinstance(self.index, pd.MultiIndex) else [self.index.values] ) return xr.Dataset(None, coords=dict(zip(self.index.names, levels))).coords
[docs] def cumprod(self, dim=None, axis=None, skipna=None, **kwargs): """Like :meth:`xarray.DataArray.cumprod`.""" if axis:"{self.__class__.__name__}.cumprod(…, axis=…) is ignored") return self.__class__( self.unstack(dim) .cumprod(axis=1, skipna=skipna, **kwargs) .stack() .reorder_levels(self.dims), attrs=self.attrs, )
@property def dims(self): """Like :attr:`xarray.DataArray.dims`.""" return tuple(filter(None, self.index.names))
[docs] def drop(self, label): """Like :meth:`xarray.DataArray.drop`.""" return self.droplevel(label)
[docs] def drop_vars( self, names: Union[Hashable, Iterable[Hashable]], *, errors: str = "raise" ): """Like :meth:`xarray.DataArray.drop_vars`.""" return self.droplevel(names)
[docs] def expand_dims( self, dim: Union[None, Mapping[Hashable, Any]] = None, axis=None, **dim_kwargs: Any, ): """Like :meth:`xarray.DataArray.expand_dims`.""" dim = either_dict_or_kwargs(dim, dim_kwargs, "expand_dims") if axis is not None: raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover result = self for name, values in reversed(list(dim.items())): result = pd.concat([result] * len(values), keys=values, names=[name]) return result
[docs] def ffill(self, dim: Hashable, limit: int = None): """Like :meth:`xarray.DataArray.ffill`.""" return self.__class__( self.unstack(dim) .fillna(method="ffill", axis=1, limit=limit) .stack() .reorder_levels(self.dims), attrs=self.attrs, )
[docs] def item(self, *args): """Like :meth:`xarray.DataArray.item`.""" if len(args) and args != (None,): raise NotImplementedError elif self.size != 1: raise ValueError return self.iloc[0]
[docs] def interp( self, coords: Mapping[Hashable, Any] = None, method: str = "linear", assume_sorted: bool = True, kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] = None, **coords_kwargs: Any, ): """Like :meth:`xarray.DataArray.interp`. This method works around two long-standing bugs in :mod:`pandas`: - `pandas-dev/pandas#25460 <>`_ - `pandas-dev/pandas#31949 <>`_ """ from scipy.interpolate import interp1d if kwargs is None: kwargs = {} coords = either_dict_or_kwargs(coords, coords_kwargs, "interp") if len(coords) > 1: raise NotImplementedError("interp() on more than 1 dimension") # Unpack the dimension and levels (possibly overlapping with existing) dim = list(coords.keys())[0] levels = coords[dim] # Ensure a list if isinstance(levels, (int, float)): levels = [levels] # Preserve order of dimensions dims = self.dims # Dimension other than `dim` other_dims = list(filter(lambda d: d != dim, dims)) def join(base, item): """Rejoin a full key for the MultiIndex in the correct order.""" # Wrap a scalar `base` base = [base] if len(other_dims) < 2 else base return [ (base[other_dims.index(d)] if d in other_dims else item) for d in dims ] # Group by `dim` so that each level appears ≤ 1 time in `group_series` result = [] groups = self.groupby(other_dims) if len(other_dims) else [(None, self)] for group_key, group_series in groups: # Work around; can't do: # group_series.reindex(…, level=dim) # A 1-D index for `dim` with the union of existing and new coords idx = pd.Index( sorted(set(group_series.index.get_level_values(dim)).union(levels)) ) # Reassemble full MultiIndex with the new coords added along `dim` full_idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples( map(partial(join, group_key), idx), names=dims ) # - Reindex to insert NaNs # - Replace the full index with the 1-D index s = group_series.reindex(full_idx).set_axis(idx) # Work around # Location of existing values x = s.notna() # - Create an interpolator from the non-NaN values. # - Apply it to the missing indices. # - Reconstruct a Series with these indices. # - Use this Series to fill the NaNs in `s`. # - Restore the full MultiIndex. result.append( s.fillna( pd.Series( interp1d(s[x].index, s[x], kind=method, **kwargs)(s[~x].index), index=s[~x].index, ) ).set_axis(full_idx) ) # - Restore dimension order and attributes. # - Select only the desired `coords`. return AttrSeries( pd.concat(result).reorder_levels(dims), attrs=self.attrs, ).sel(coords)
[docs] def rename(self, new_name_or_name_dict): """Like :meth:`xarray.DataArray.rename`.""" # TODO add **names kwargs if isinstance(new_name_or_name_dict, dict): return self.rename_axis(index=new_name_or_name_dict) else: return super().rename(new_name_or_name_dict)
[docs] def sel(self, indexers=None, drop=False, **indexers_kwargs): """Like :meth:`xarray.DataArray.sel`.""" indexers = either_dict_or_kwargs(indexers, indexers_kwargs, "indexers") if len(indexers) == 1: level, key = list(indexers.items())[0] if isinstance(key, str) and not drop: if isinstance(self.index, pd.MultiIndex): # When using .loc[] to select 1 label on 1 level, pandas drops the # level. Use .xs() to avoid this behaviour unless drop=True return AttrSeries(self.xs(key, level=level, drop_level=False)) else: # No MultiIndex; use .loc with a slice to avoid returning scalar return self.loc[slice(key, key)] if len(indexers) and all( isinstance(i, xr.DataArray) for i in indexers.values() ): # DataArray indexers # Combine indexers in a data set; dimensions are aligned ds = xr.Dataset(indexers) # All dimensions indexed dims_indexed = set(indexers.keys()) # Dimensions to discard dims_drop = set(ds.data_vars.keys()) # Check contents of indexers if any(ds.isnull().any().values()): raise IndexError( f"Dimensions of indexers mismatch: {ds.notnull().sum()}" ) elif len(ds.dims) > 1: raise NotImplementedError( # pragma: no cover f"map to > 1 dimensions {repr(ds.dims)} with AttrSeries.sel()" ) # pd.Index object with names and levels of the new dimension to be created idx = ds.coords.to_index() # Dimensions to drop on sliced data to avoid duplicated dimensions drop = list(dims_indexed - dims_drop) # Dictionary of Series to concatenate data = {} # Iterate over labels in the new dimension for label in idx: # Get a slice from the indexers corresponding to this label loc_ds = ds.sel({ label}) # Assemble a key with one element for each dimension seq = [loc_ds.get(d) for d in self.dims] # Replace None from .get() with slice(None) or unpack a single value seq = [slice(None) if item is None else item.item() for item in seq] # Use the key to retrieve 1+ integer locations; slice; store data[label] = self.iloc[self.index.get_locs(seq)].droplevel(drop) # Rejoin to a single data frame; drop the source levels data = pd.concat(data, names=[]).droplevel(list(dims_drop)) else: # Other indexers # Iterate over dimensions idx = [] to_drop = set() for dim in self.dims: # Get an indexer for this dimension i = indexers.get(dim, slice(None)) if np.isscalar(i) and drop: to_drop.add(dim) # Maybe unpack an xarray DataArray indexers, for pandas idx.append( if isinstance(i, xr.DataArray) else i) # Select data = self.loc[tuple(idx)] # Only drop if not returning a scalar value if not np.isscalar(data): # Drop levels where a single value was selected data = data.droplevel(list(to_drop & set(data.index.names))) # Return return AttrSeries(data, attrs=self.attrs)
[docs] def shift( self, shifts: Mapping[Hashable, int] = None, fill_value: Any = None, **shifts_kwargs: int, ): """Like :meth:`xarray.DataArray.shift`.""" shifts = either_dict_or_kwargs(shifts, shifts_kwargs, "shift") if len(shifts) > 1: raise NotImplementedError( f"{self.__class__.__name__}.shift() with > 1 dimension" ) dim, periods = next(iter(shifts.items())) return self.__class__( self.unstack(dim) .shift(periods=periods, axis=1, fill_value=fill_value) .stack() .reorder_levels(self.dims), attrs=self.attrs, )
[docs] def sum(self, *args, **kwargs): """Like :meth:`xarray.DataArray.sum`.""" obj = super() attrs = None try: dim = kwargs.pop("dim") except KeyError: dim = list(args) args = tuple() if len(dim) in (0, len(self.index.names)): bad_dims = set(dim) - set(self.index.names) if bad_dims: raise ValueError( f"{bad_dims} not found in array dimensions {self.index.names}" ) # Simple sum kwargs = {} else: # Pivot and sum across columns obj = self.unstack(dim) kwargs["axis"] = 1 # Result will be DataFrame; re-attach attrs when converted to AttrSeries attrs = self.attrs return AttrSeries(obj.sum(*args, **kwargs), attrs=attrs)
[docs] def squeeze(self, dim=None, *args, **kwargs): """Like :meth:`xarray.DataArray.squeeze`.""" assert kwargs.pop("drop", True) try: idx = self.index.remove_unused_levels() except AttributeError: return self to_drop = [] for i, name in enumerate(idx.names): if dim and name != dim: continue elif len(idx.levels[i]) > 1: if dim is None: continue else: raise ValueError( "cannot select a dimension to squeeze out which has length " "greater than one" ) to_drop.append(name) if dim and not to_drop: # Specified dimension does not exist raise KeyError(dim) return self.droplevel(to_drop)
[docs] def transpose(self, *dims): """Like :meth:`xarray.DataArray.transpose`.""" return self.reorder_levels(dims)
[docs] def to_dataframe(self): """Like :meth:`xarray.DataArray.to_dataframe`.""" return self.to_frame()
[docs] def to_series(self): """Like :meth:`xarray.DataArray.to_series`.""" return self
# Internal methods
[docs] def align_levels(self, other): """Work around Return a copy of `self` with common levels in the same order as `other`. """ # If other.index is a (1D) Index object, convert to a MultiIndex with 1 level so # .levels[…] can be used, below. See also Quantity._single_column_df() other_index = _multiindex_of(other) # Lists of common dimensions, and dimensions on `other` missing from `self`. common, missing = [], [] for (i, n) in enumerate(other_index.names): if n in self.index.names: common.append(n) else: missing.append((i, n)) result = self if len(common) == 0: # No common dimensions if len(missing): # Broadcast over missing dimensions result = result.expand_dims( {dim: other_index.levels[i] for i, dim in missing} ) if len(self) == len(self.index.names) == 1: # concat() of scalars (= length-1 pd.Series) results in an innermost # index level filled with int(0); discard this result = result.droplevel(-1) # Reordering starts with the dimensions of `other` order = list(other_index.names) else: # Some common dimensions exist; no need to broadcast, only reorder order = common # Append the dimensions of `self` order.extend( filter( lambda n: n is not None and n not in other_index.names, self.index.names ) ) # Reorder, if that would do anything return result.reorder_levels(order) if len(order) > 1 else result