Source code for

import logging
from functools import partial
from importlib import import_module
from inspect import signature
from itertools import chain, compress, repeat
from operator import itemgetter
from pathlib import Path
from types import ModuleType
from typing import (
from warnings import warn

import dask
import pint
from dask import get as dask_get  # NB dask.threaded.get causes JPype to segfault
from dask.optimization import cull

from genno import caching, computations
from genno.util import partial_split

from .describe import describe_recursive
from .exceptions import ComputationError, KeyExistsError, MissingKeyError
from .key import Key, KeyLike

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Computer: """Class for describing and executing computations. Parameters ---------- kwargs : Passed to :meth:`configure`. """ #: A dask-format graph (see :doc:`1 <dask:graphs>`, :doc:`2 <dask:spec>`). graph: Dict[str, Any] = {"config": {}} #: The default key to :meth:`.get` with no argument. default_key = None # An index of key names -> full keys. _index: Dict[str, Key] = {} #: List of modules containing pre-defined computations. #: #: By default, this includes the :mod:`genno` built-in computations in #: :mod:`genno.computations`. :meth:`require_compat` appends additional modules, #: e.g. #: :mod:`.compat.pyam.computations`, to this list. User code may also add #: modules to this list. modules: MutableSequence[ModuleType] = [computations] def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.graph = {"config": {}} self._index = {} self.configure(**kwargs)
[docs] def configure( self, path: Union[Path, str] = None, fail: Union[str, int] = "raise", **config ): """Configure the Computer. Accepts a `path` to a configuration file and/or keyword arguments. Configuration keys loaded from file are superseded by keyword arguments. Messages are logged at level :data:`logging.INFO` if `config` contains unhandled sections. See :doc:`config` for a list of all configuration sections and keys, and details of the configuration file format. Parameters ---------- path : .Path, optional Path to a configuration file in JSON or YAML format. fail : "raise" or str or :mod:`logging` level, optional Passed to :meth:`.add_queue`. If not "raise", then log messages are generated for config handlers that fail. The Computer may be only partially configured. **config : Configuration keys/sections and values. """ from genno.config import parse_config # Maybe load from a path if path: config["path"] = Path(path) parse_config(self, data=config, fail=fail)
[docs] def get_comp(self, name) -> Optional[Callable]: """Return a computation function. :meth:`get_comp` checks each of the :attr:`modules` for a function or callable with the given `name`. Modules at the end of the list take precedence over those earlier in the lists. Returns ------- .callable None If there is no computation with the given `name` in any of :attr:`modules`. """ for module in reversed(self.modules): try: return getattr(module, name) except AttributeError: continue # `name` not in this module except TypeError: return None # `name` is not a string; can't be the name of a function return None
[docs] def require_compat(self, pkg: str): """Load computations from ``genno.compat.{pkg}`` for use with :func:`.get_comp`. The specified module is appended to :attr:`modules`. Raises ------ ModuleNotFoundError If the required packages are missing. See also -------- .get_comp """ name = f"genno.compat.{pkg}" if not getattr(import_module(name), f"HAS_{pkg.upper()}"): raise ModuleNotFoundError( f"No module named '{pkg}', required by genno.compat.{pkg}" ) self.modules = list(self.modules) + [import_module(f"{name}.computations")]
[docs] def add(self, data, *args, **kwargs): """General-purpose method to add computations. :meth:`add` can be called in several ways; its behaviour depends on `data`; see below. It chains to methods such as :meth:`add_single`, :meth:`add_queue`, and/or :meth:`apply`; each can also be called directly. Returns ------- list of Key-like Some or all of the keys added to the Computer. See also --------- add_single add_queue apply """ if isinstance(data, list): # A list. Use add_queue to add return self.add_queue(data, *args, **kwargs) elif isinstance(data, str) and self.get_comp(data): # *data* is the name of a pre-defined computation name = data if hasattr(self, f"add_{name}"): # Use a method on the current class to add. This invokes any # argument-handling conveniences, e.g. Computer.add_product() # instead of using the bare product() computation directly. return getattr(self, f"add_{name}")(*args, **kwargs) else: # Get the function directly func = self.get_comp(name) # Rearrange arguments: key, computation function, args, … func, kwargs = partial_split(func, kwargs) return self.add(args[0], func, *args[1:], **kwargs) elif isinstance(data, str) and data in dir(self): # Name of another method, e.g. 'apply' return getattr(self, data)(*args, **kwargs) elif isinstance(data, (str, Key)): # *data* is a key, *args* are the computation key, computation = data, args if kwargs.pop("sums", False): # Convert *key* to a Key object in order to use .iter_sums() key = Key.from_str_or_key(key) # Iterable of computations # print((tuple([key] + list(computation)), kwargs)) # print([(c, {}) for c in key.iter_sums()]) to_add = chain( # The original [(tuple([key] + list(computation)), kwargs)], # One entry for each sum [(c, {}) for c in key.iter_sums()], ) return self.add_queue(to_add) else: # Add a single computation (without converting to Key) return self.add_single(key, *computation, **kwargs) else: # Some other kind of input raise TypeError(f"{type(data)} `data` argument")
[docs] def cache(self, func): """Decorate `func` so that its return value is cached. See also -------- :doc:`cache` """ return caching.decorate(func, computer=self)
[docs] def add_queue( self, queue: Iterable[Tuple[Tuple, Mapping]], max_tries: int = 1, fail: Union[str, int] = None, ) -> Tuple[KeyLike, ...]: """Add tasks from a list or `queue`. Parameters ---------- queue : iterable of 2-:class:`tuple` The members of each tuple are the arguments (e.g. :class:`list` or tuple) and keyword arguments (e.g :class:`dict`) to :meth:`add`. max_tries : int, optional Retry adding elements up to this many times. fail : "raise" or str or :mod:`logging` level, optional Action to take when a computation from `queue` cannot be added after `max_tries`: "raise" an exception, or log messages on the indicated level and continue. """ if isinstance(fail, str): # Convert a string like 'debug' to logging.DEBUG fail = getattr(logging, fail.upper(), fail) if fail is not None: pop_level = True # Remove this value at the end of this (outer) call self._queue_fail_log_level = fail else: # No value given: use the instance property from an outer call, else "raise" fail = getattr(self, "_queue_fail_log_level", "raise") pop_level = False # Elements to retry: list of (tries, args, kwargs) retry: List[Tuple[int, Tuple[Tuple, Mapping]]] = [] added: List[KeyLike] = [] # Iterate over elements from queue, then from retry. On the first pass, # count == 1; on subsequent passes, it is incremented. for count, (args, kwargs) in chain(zip(repeat(1), queue), retry): try: # Recurse key_or_keys = self.add(*args, **kwargs) except KeyError as exc: # Adding failed # Information for debugging info = [ f"Failed {count} times to add:", f" ({repr(args)}, {repr(kwargs)})", f" with {repr(exc)}", ] def _log(level): [log.log(level, i) for i in info] if count < max_tries: # This may only be due to items being out of order; retry silently retry.append((count + 1, (args, kwargs))) # _log(logging.DEBUG) # verbose: uncomment for debugging only else: # More than `max_tries` failures; something has gone wrong if fail == "raise": _log(logging.ERROR) raise else: _log(fail) else: if isinstance(key_or_keys, tuple): added.extend(key_or_keys) else: added.append(key_or_keys) if pop_level: # End of the outer call delattr(self, "_queue_fail_log_level") return tuple(added)
# Generic graph manipulations
[docs] def add_single(self, key, *computation, strict=False, index=False): """Add a single `computation` at `key`. Parameters ---------- key : str or Key or hashable A string, Key, or other value identifying the output of `computation`. computation : object Any computation. See :attr:`graph`. strict : bool, optional If True, `key` must not already exist in the Computer, and any keys referred to by `computation` must exist. index : bool, optional If True, `key` is added to the index as a full-resolution key, so it can be later retrieved with :meth:`full_key`. Raises ------ KeyExistsError If `strict` is :obj:`True` and either (a) `key` already exists; or (b) `sums` is :obj:`True` and the key for one of the partial sums of `key` already exists. MissingKeyError If `strict` is :obj:`True` and any key referred to by `computation` does not exist. """ if len(computation) == 1: # Unpack a length-1 tuple computation = computation[0] key = maybe_convert_str(key) if strict or index: # String equivalent of `key` with all dimensions dropped, but name and tag # retained, e.g. "foo::bar" for "foo:a-b:bar"; but "foo" for "foo:a-b" idx = str(Key.from_str_or_key(key, drop=True)).rstrip(":") if strict: # Check the target key try: # Check without dim order permutations assert self.check_keys(key, action="return", _permute=False) is None # Check that `key` is not indexed, possibly with different dim order assert self._index.get(idx, None) != key except AssertionError: # Key already exists in graph raise KeyExistsError(key) from None # Check valid keys in `computation` and maybe rewrite computation = self._rewrite_comp(computation) if index: # Add `key` to the index self._index[idx] = key # Add to the graph self.graph[key] = computation return key
def _rewrite_comp(self, computation): """Check and rewrite `computation`. If `computation` is :class:`tuple` or :class:`list`, it may contain other keys that :mod:`dask` must locate in the :attr:`graph`. Check these using :meth:`check_keys`, and return a modified `computation` with these in exactly the form they appear in the graph. This ensures dask can locate them for :meth:`get` and :meth:`describe`. """ if not isinstance(computation, (list, tuple)): # Something else, e.g. pd.DataFrame or a literal return computation # True if the element is key-like is_keylike = list(map(lambda e: isinstance(e, (str, Key)), computation)) # Run only the key-like elements through check_keys(); make an iterator checked = iter(self.check_keys(*compress(computation, is_keylike))) # Assemble the result using either checked keys (with properly ordered # dimensions) or unmodified elements from `computation`; cast to the same type return type(computation)( [ next(checked) if is_keylike[i] else elem for i, elem in enumerate(computation) ] )
[docs] def apply(self, generator, *keys, **kwargs): """Add computations by applying `generator` to `keys`. Parameters ---------- generator : callable Function to apply to `keys`. keys : hashable The starting key(s). kwargs Keyword arguments to `generator`. """ args = self.check_keys(*keys) try: # Inspect the generator function par = signature(generator).parameters # Name of the first parameter par_0 = list(par.keys())[0] except IndexError: pass # No parameters to generator else: if issubclass(par[par_0].annotation, Computer): # First parameter wants a reference to the Computer object args.insert(0, self) # Call the generator. Might return None, or yield some computations applied = generator(*args, **kwargs) if applied: # Update the graph with the computations self.graph.update(applied)
[docs] def get(self, key=None): """Execute and return the result of the computation `key`. Only `key` and its dependencies are computed. Parameters ---------- key : str, optional If not provided, :attr:`default_key` is used. Raises ------ ValueError If `key` and :attr:`default_key` are both :obj:`None`. """ if key is None: if self.default_key is not None: key = self.default_key else: raise ValueError("no default reporting key set") else: key = self.check_keys(key)[0] # Protect 'config' dict, so that dask schedulers do not try to interpret its # contents as further tasks. Workaround for # self.graph["config"] = dask.core.quote(self.graph.get("config", dict())) # Cull the graph, leaving only those needed to compute *key* dsk, deps = cull(self.graph, key) log.debug(f"Cull {len(self.graph)} -> {len(dsk)} keys") try: result = dask_get(dsk, key) except Exception as exc: raise ComputationError(exc) from None else: return result finally: self.graph["config"] = self.graph["config"][0].data
[docs] def keys(self): """Return the keys of :attr:`graph`.""" return self.graph.keys()
[docs] def full_key(self, name_or_key): """Return the full-dimensionality key for `name_or_key`. An quantity 'foo' with dimensions (a, c, n, q, x) is available in the Computer as ``'foo:a-c-n-q-x'``. This :class:`.Key` can be retrieved with:: c.full_key("foo") c.full_key("foo:c") # etc. """ name = str(Key.from_str_or_key(name_or_key, drop=True)).rstrip(":") return self._index[name]
[docs] def check_keys( self, *keys: Union[str, Key], action="raise", _permute=True ) -> Optional[List[Union[str, Key]]]: """Check that `keys` are in the Computer. If any of `keys` is not in the Computer and `action` is "raise" (the default) :class:`KeyError` is raised. Otherwise, a list is returned with either the key from `keys`, or the corresponding :meth:`full_key`. If `action` is "return" (or any other value), :class:`None` is returned on missing keys. """ # Sequence of graph keys, for indexing # TODO cache this somehow, refresh when .graph is altered all_keys = tuple(self.graph.keys()) def _check(value): if value in self._index: # Add the full key return self._index[value] if value in self.graph: # Add the key directly. Use the key from `self.graph` to preserve # dimension order. return all_keys[all_keys.index(value)] # Possibly convert a string to a Key value = maybe_convert_str(value) if isinstance(value, str) or not _permute: return None # Try permutations of dimensions for k in filter(self.graph.__contains__, value.permute_dims()): result = all_keys[all_keys.index(k)] return result return None # Process all keys to produce more useful error messages result = list(map(_check, keys)) if result.count(None): if action == "raise": # 1 or more keys missing # Suppress traceback from within this function __tracebackhide__ = True # Identify values in `keys` corresponding to None in `result` raise MissingKeyError( *map( itemgetter(0), filter(lambda i: i[1] is None, zip(keys, result)) ) ) else: return None return result
[docs] def infer_keys(self, key_or_keys, dims=[]): """Infer complete `key_or_keys`. Parameters ---------- dims : list of str, optional Drop all but these dimensions from the returned key(s). """ single = isinstance(key_or_keys, (str, Key)) result = [] for k in [key_or_keys] if single else key_or_keys: # Has some dimensions or tag key = Key.from_str_or_key(k) if ":" in k else k if "::" in k or key not in self or (isinstance(key, str) and dims): # Find the full-dimensional key key = self.full_key(key) # Drop all but `dims` if dims: key = key.drop(*(set(key.dims) - set(dims))) result.append(key) return result[0] if single else tuple(result)
def __contains__(self, name): # First check using hash (fast), then using comparison (slower) for same key # with dimensions in different order return name in self.graph or any( map(self.graph.__contains__, Key.from_str_or_key(name).permute_dims()) ) # Convenience methods
[docs] def add_product(self, key, *quantities, sums=True): """Add a computation that takes the product of *quantities*. Parameters ---------- key : str or Key Key of the new quantity. If a Key, any dimensions are ignored; the dimensions of the product are the union of the dimensions of *quantities*. sums : bool, optional If :obj:`True`, all partial sums of the new quantity are also added. Returns ------- :class:`Key` The full key of the new quantity. """ # Fetch the full key for each quantity base_keys = list(map(Key.from_str_or_key, self.check_keys(*quantities))) # Compute a key for the result # Parse the name and tag of the target key = Key.from_str_or_key(key) # New key with dimensions of the product key = Key.product(, *base_keys, tag=key.tag) # Add the basic product to the graph and index keys = self.add(key, computations.product, *base_keys, sums=sums, index=True) return keys[0]
[docs] def aggregate(self, qty, tag, dims_or_groups, weights=None, keep=True, sums=False): """Add a computation that aggregates *qty*. Parameters ---------- qty: :class:`Key` or str Key of the quantity to be aggregated. tag: str Additional string to add to the end the key for the aggregated quantity. dims_or_groups: str or iterable of str or dict Name(s) of the dimension(s) to sum over, or nested dict. weights : :class:`xarray.DataArray`, optional Weights for weighted aggregation. keep : bool, optional Passed to :meth:`computations.aggregate <genno.computations.aggregate>`. sums : bool, optional Passed to :meth:`add`. Returns ------- :class:`Key` The key of the newly-added node. """ # TODO maybe split this to two methods? if isinstance(dims_or_groups, dict): groups = dims_or_groups if len(groups) > 1: raise NotImplementedError("aggregate() along >1 dimension") key = Key.from_str_or_key(qty, tag=tag) comp = (computations.aggregate, qty, dask.core.quote(groups), keep) else: dims = dims_or_groups if isinstance(dims, str): dims = [dims] key = Key.from_str_or_key(qty, drop=dims, tag=tag) comp = (partial(computations.sum, dimensions=dims), qty, weights) return self.add(key, comp, strict=True, index=True, sums=sums)
add_aggregate = aggregate
[docs] def disaggregate(self, qty, new_dim, method="shares", args=[]): """Add a computation that disaggregates `qty` using `method`. Parameters ---------- qty: hashable Key of the quantity to be disaggregated. new_dim: str Name of the new dimension of the disaggregated variable. method: callable or str Disaggregation method. If a callable, then it is applied to `var` with any extra `args`. If a string, then a method named 'disaggregate_{method}' is used. args: list, optional Additional arguments to the `method`. The first element should be the key for a quantity giving shares for disaggregation. Returns ------- :class:`Key` The key of the newly-added node. """ # Compute the new key key = Key.from_str_or_key(qty, append=new_dim) # Get the method if isinstance(method, str): try: method = getattr(computations, "disaggregate_{}".format(method)) except AttributeError: raise ValueError( "No disaggregation method 'disaggregate_{}'".format(method) ) if not callable(method): raise TypeError(method) return self.add(key, tuple([method, qty] + args), strict=True)
[docs] def add_file(self, path, key=None, **kwargs): """Add exogenous quantities from *path*. Computing the `key` or using it in other computations causes `path` to be loaded and converted to :class:`.Quantity`. Parameters ---------- path : os.PathLike Path to the file, e.g. '/path/to/foo.ext'. key : str or .Key, optional Key for the quantity read from the file. Other parameters ---------------- dims : dict or list or set Either a collection of names for dimensions of the quantity, or a mapping from names appearing in the input to dimensions. units : str or pint.Unit Units to apply to the loaded Quantity. Returns ------- .Key Either `key` (if given) or e.g. ``file:foo.ext`` based on the `path` name, without directory components. See also -------- genno.computations.load_file """ path = Path(path) key = key if key else "file:{}".format( return self.add( key, (partial(self.get_comp("load_file"), path, **kwargs),), strict=True )
# Use add_file as a helper for computations.load_file add_load_file = add_file
[docs] def describe(self, key=None, quiet=True): """Return a string describing the computations that produce `key`. If `key` is not provided, all keys in the Computer are described. Unless `quiet`, the string is also printed to the console. Returns ------- str Description of computations. """ if key is None: # Sort with 'all' at the end key = tuple( sorted(filter(lambda k: k != "all", self.graph.keys())) + ["all"] ) else: key = tuple(self.check_keys(key)) result = describe_recursive(self.graph, key) if not quiet: print(result, end="\n") return result
[docs] def visualize(self, filename, **kwargs): """Generate an image describing the Computer structure. This is a shorthand for :meth:`dask.visualize`. Requires `graphviz <>`__. """ return dask.visualize(self.graph, filename=filename, **kwargs)
[docs] def write(self, key, path): """Write the result of `key` to the file `path`.""" # Call the method directly without adding it to the graph key = self.check_keys(key)[0] self.get_comp("write_report")(self.get(key), path)
@property def unit_registry(self): """The :meth:`pint.UnitRegistry` used by the Computer.""" return pint.get_application_registry() # For .compat.pyam # "/, " requires Python 3.8; change only if/when support for Python 3.7 is dropped # def convert_pyam(self, quantities, tag="iamc", /, **kwargs):
[docs] def convert_pyam(self, quantities, tag="iamc", **kwargs): """Add conversion of one or more **quantities** to IAMC format. Parameters ---------- quantities : str or Key or list of (str, Key) Keys for quantities to transform. tag : str, optional Tag to append to new Keys. Other parameters ---------------- kwargs : Any keyword arguments accepted by :func:`.as_pyam`. Returns ------- list of Key Each task converts a :class:`.Quantity` into a :class:`pyam.IamDataFrame`. See also -------- .as_pyam """ self.require_compat("pyam") # Handle single vs. iterable of inputs multi_arg = not isinstance(quantities, (str, Key)) if not multi_arg: quantities = [quantities] if len(kwargs.get("replace", {})) and not isinstance( next(iter(kwargs["replace"].values())), dict ): kwargs["replace"] = dict(variable=kwargs.pop("replace")) warn( f"replace must be nested dict(), e.g. {repr(kwargs['replace'])}", DeprecationWarning, ) # Check keys quantities = self.check_keys(*quantities) # The callable for the task. If pyam is not available, require_compat() above # will fail; so this will never be None comp = partial(cast(Callable, self.get_comp("as_pyam")), **kwargs) keys = [] for qty in quantities: # Key for the input quantity key = Key.from_str_or_key(qty) # Key for the task keys.append(":".join([, tag])) # Add the task and store the key self.add_single(keys[-1], (comp, "scenario", key)) return tuple(keys) if multi_arg else keys[0]
# Use convert_pyam as a helper for computations.as_pyam add_as_pyam = convert_pyam
def maybe_convert_str(key): """Maybe convert `key` into a Key object. Allow a string like "foo" with no dimensions or tag to remain as-is. """ _key = Key.from_str_or_key(key) return _key if (_key.dims or _key.tag) else key