Source code for genno.caching

import json
import logging
import pickle
from functools import partial, singledispatch, update_wrapper
from hashlib import blake2b
from inspect import getmembers, iscode
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, Optional, Set, Union

import pandas as pd

import genno

from .util import unquote

    import genno

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Types to ignore in Encoder.default()
IGNORE: Set[type] = set()

def _encode(o):
    # Let the base class default method raise the TypeError
    return json.JSONEncoder().default(o)

def _encode_path(o: Path):
    return str(o)

[docs] class Encoder(json.JSONEncoder): """JSON encoder. This is a one-way encoder used only to serialize arguments for :func:`.hash_args` and :func:`.hash_code`. """
[docs] @classmethod def ignore(cls, *types): """Tell the Encoder (thus :func:`.hash_args`) to ignore arguments of `types`. Example ------- >>> class Bar: >>> pass >>> >>> # Don't use Bar instances in cache keys >>> @genno.caching.Encoder.ignore(Bar) Ignore all unrecognized types >>> @genno.caching.Encoder.ignore(object) """ IGNORE.add(types)
[docs] @classmethod def register(cls, func): """Register `func` to serialize a type not handled by :class:`json.JSONEncoder`. `func` should return a type that *is* handled by JSONEncoder; see the docs. Example ------- >>> class Foo: >>> a = 3 >>> >>> @genno.caching.Encoder.register >>> def _encode_foo(o: Foo): >>> return dict(a=o.a) # JSONEncoder can handle dict() """ return _encode.register(func)
[docs] def default(self, o): """For `o`, return an object serializable by the base :class:`json.JSONEncoder`. - :class:`pathlib.Path`: the string representation of `o`. - :ref:`python:code-objects` (from Python's built-in :mod:`inspect` module), for instance a function or lambda: :func:`~hashlib.blake2b` hash of the object's bytecode and its serialized constants. .. warning:: This is not 100% guaranteed to change if the operation of `o` (or other code called in turn by `o`) changes. If relying on this behaviour, check carefully. - Any type indicated with :meth:`.ignore`: empty :class:`tuple`. - Any type with a serializer registered with :meth:`.register`: the return value of the serializer, called on `o`. """ if iscode(o): # Python built-in code object, from e.g. hash_code() or lambda: hash the # identifying information: raw bytecode & constants used return blake2b( o.co_code + json.dumps(o.co_consts, cls=self.__class__).encode() ).hexdigest() try: return _encode(o) except TypeError: if isinstance(o, tuple(IGNORE)): log.warning(f"Cache key ignores {type(o)}") return () else: raise
[docs] def hash_args(*args, **kwargs): """Return a 20-character :func:`hashlib.blake2b` hex digest of `args` and `kwargs`. Used by :func:`.decorate`. See also -------- Encoder """ return blake2b( ( "" if len(args) + len(kwargs) == 0 else json.dumps((args, kwargs), cls=Encoder, sort_keys=True) ).encode(), digest_size=20, ).hexdigest()
[docs] def hash_code(func: Callable) -> str: """Return the :func:`hashlib.blake2b` hex digest of the compiled bytecode of `func`. See also -------- Encoder """ # Get the code object code_obj = next(filter(lambda kv: kv[0] == "__code__", getmembers(func)))[1] return Encoder().default(code_obj)
[docs] def hash_contents(path: Union[Path, str], chunk_size=65536) -> str: """Return the :func:`hashlib.blake2b` hex digest the file contents of `path`. Parameters ---------- chunk_size : int, optional Read the file in chunks of this size; default 64 kB. """ with Path(path).open("rb") as f: hash = blake2b() for chunk in iter(partial(, chunk_size), b""): hash.update(chunk) return hash.hexdigest()
[docs] def decorate( func: Callable, computer: Optional["genno.Computer"] = None, cache_path=None, cache_skip: bool = False, ) -> Callable: """Helper for :meth:`.Computer.cache`. Parameters ---------- computer : .Computer, optional If supplied, the ``config`` dictionary stored in the Computer is used to look up values for `cache_path` and `cache_skip`, at the moment when `func` is called. cache_path : os.PathLike, optional Directory in which to store cache files. cache_skip : bool, optional If :obj:`True`, ignore existing cache entries and overwrite them with new values from `func`. See also -------- hash_args hash_code """ log.debug(f"Wrapping {func.__name__} in Computer.cache()") # Wrap the call to load_func def cached_load(*args, **kwargs): try: # Retrieve cache settings from the `computer` # Only do this at time of execution, to allow the cache_path to be adjusted config = unquote(computer.graph["config"]) except AttributeError: # No `computer` provided; use values from arguments config = dict() dir_ = config.get("cache_path", cache_path) skip = config.get("cache_skip", cache_skip) if not dir_: from platformdirs import user_cache_path dir_ = user_cache_path("genno") dir_.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) log.warning(f"'cache_path' configuration not set; using {dir_}") # Parts of the file name: function name, hash of arguments and code name_parts = [func.__name__, hash_args(*args, hash_code(func), **kwargs)] # Path to the cache file, without suffix path = dir_.joinpath("-".join(name_parts)) # Shorter name for logging short_name = f"{name_parts[0]}(<{name_parts[1][:8]}…>)" # Identify existing cache files files = [] if skip else list(dir_.glob(f"{path.stem}.*")) if len(files) == 1:"Cache hit for {short_name}") # Read cache return _read(files[0]) else: # Also occurs if len(files) >= 2"{'Skip cache' if skip else 'Cache miss'} for {short_name}") # Call the wrapped function, store, and return return _write(path, func(*args, **kwargs)) # Update the wrapped function with the docstring etc. of the original update_wrapper(cached_load, func) return cached_load
def _read(path: Path): """Read cache data from `path`.""" if path.suffix == ".parquet": # Quantity or pd.DataFrame df = pd.read_parquet(path) try: # Convert to Quantity df.attrs.pop("_is_genno_quantity") return genno.Quantity(df["value"], units=df.attrs["_unit"]) except KeyError: return df elif path.suffix in (".pickle", ".pkl"): # Anything else with open(path, "rb") as f: return pickle.load(f) else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown suffix {path.suffix!r} for cache file") def _write(path: Path, data): """Write `data` to `path`.""" from genno.compat.pandas import handles_parquet_attrs if (isinstance(data, genno.Quantity) and handles_parquet_attrs()) or isinstance( data, pd.DataFrame ): if isinstance(data, genno.Quantity): # Convert to single-column data frame df = data.to_dataframe() # - Convert pint.Unit attribute to JSON-serializable str # - Mark the cache file as having been produced from Quantity df.attrs.update(_unit=str(data.units), _is_genno_quantity=True) else: df = data # Write to Parquet df.to_parquet(path.with_suffix(".parquet")) else: # Anything else: pickle with open(path.with_suffix(".pickle"), "wb") as f: pickle.dump(data, f) return data