Source code for genno.core.base

import operator
from abc import abstractmethod
from numbers import Number
from typing import (

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pint

    from genno.types import Unit

    from .quantity import AnyQuantity

[docs] class UnitsMixIn: """Object with :attr:`.units` and :meth:`._binary_op_units`.""" attrs: Dict[Hashable, Any] @property # def units(self) -> "Unit": def units(self): """Retrieve or set the units of the Quantity. Examples -------- Create a quantity without units: >>> qty = Quantity(...) Set using a string; automatically converted to pint.Unit: >>> qty.units = "kg" >>> qty.units <Unit('kilogram')> """ return self.attrs.setdefault( "_unit", pint.get_application_registry().dimensionless ) @units.setter def units(self, value: Union["Unit", str]) -> None: self.attrs["_unit"] = pint.get_application_registry().Unit(value) def _binary_op_units( self, other: "UnitsMixIn", op, swap: bool ) -> Tuple["Unit", float]: """Determine result units for a binary operation between `self` and `other`. Returns: 1. Result units. 2. For rank-1 operations ('add', 'radd', 'rsub', 'sub') operations, a scaling factor to make magnitudes of `other` compatible with `self`. """ # Retrieve units of `other` ou = other.units # Ensure there is not a mix of pint.Unit and pint.registry.Unit; this throws off # pint's internal logic if ou.__class__ is not self.units.__class__: ou = self.units.__class__(ou) if rank(op) == 1: # Determine multiplicative factor to align `other` to `self` return self.units, pint.Quantity(1.0, ou).to(self.units).magnitude elif rank(op) == 2: # Allow pint to determine the output units return op(*[ou, self.units] if swap else [self.units, ou]), np.nan else: # Exponent, its units, and base units exp, eu, bu = (self, self.units, ou) if swap else (other, ou, self.units) if not eu.dimensionless: raise ValueError(f"Cannot raise to a power with units {eu:~}") # Extract the (dense) data of the exponent data = cast("AnyQuantity", exp).to_series().values # Each exponent modulo 1. Set of {0} if exponents are all integers. check = set(np.mod(data, 1)) # Unique values in data unique_values = np.unique(data) if check == {0.0} and len(unique_values) == 1: # The same, integer exponent for all values; raise the base units to # this value return op(bu, unique_values[0]), np.nan else: return pint.get_application_registry().dimensionless, np.nan
[docs] def make_binary_op(op, *, swap: bool): """Create a method for binary operator `name`.""" def method(obj: "BaseQuantity", other: "BaseQuantity"): scalar_other = False if isinstance(other, Number): other = type(obj)(other) scalar_other = True elif not ( isinstance(other, type(obj)) or getattr(other, "__thisclass__", None) is type(obj) # super() ): raise TypeError(type(other)) left, right, result_units, factor = prepare_binary_op(obj, other, op, swap) # If `other` was scalar and the operation is rank-1 (add, sub, etc.), the units # of `obj` carry to the result. Otherwise, use `result_units`. return obj._keep( obj._perform_binary_op(op, left, right, factor), name=scalar_other, attrs=scalar_other, units=obj.units if (scalar_other and rank(op) == 1) else result_units, ) return method
T = TypeVar("T")
[docs] class BinaryOpsMixIn(Generic[T]): """Binary operations for :class:`Quantity`. Subclasses **must** implement :meth:`_perform_binary_op`. Several binary operations are provided with methods that: - Convert scalar operands to :class:`.Quantity`. - Determine result units. - Preserve name and non-unit attrs. """ __add__ = make_binary_op(operator.add, swap=False) __mul__ = make_binary_op(operator.mul, swap=False) __pow__ = make_binary_op(operator.pow, swap=False) __radd__ = make_binary_op(operator.add, swap=True) __rmul__ = make_binary_op(operator.mul, swap=True) __rpow__ = make_binary_op(operator.pow, swap=True) __rsub__ = make_binary_op(operator.sub, swap=True) __rtruediv__ = make_binary_op(operator.truediv, swap=True) __sub__ = make_binary_op(operator.sub, swap=False) __truediv__ = make_binary_op(operator.truediv, swap=False) @staticmethod @abstractmethod def _perform_binary_op(name: str, left: T, right: T, factor: float) -> T: ...
[docs] class BaseQuantity( BinaryOpsMixIn, UnitsMixIn, ): """Common base for a class that behaves like :class:`xarray.DataArray`. The class has units and unit-aware binary operations. """ name: Optional[Hashable] @abstractmethod def __init__( self, data: Any = None, coords: Union[Sequence[Tuple], Mapping[Hashable, Any], None] = None, dims: Union[str, Sequence[Hashable], None] = None, name: Hashable = None, attrs: Optional[Mapping] = None, # internal parameters indexes: Optional[Dict[Hashable, pd.Index]] = None, fastpath: bool = False, **kwargs, ): ... def _keep( self, target: "AnyQuantity", attrs: Optional[Any] = False, name: Optional[Any] = False, units: Optional[Any] = False, ) -> "AnyQuantity": """Preserve `name`, `units`, and/or other `attrs` from `self` to `target`. The action for each argument is: - :any:`False`: don't keep. - :any:`True`: keep the existing value. - Anything else: assign this value. """ if name is not False: = if name is True else name if attrs is True: target.attrs.update(self.attrs) elif attrs is not False: assert isinstance(attrs, Mapping) target.attrs.update(attrs) if units is not False: # Only units; not other attrs target.units = self.units if units is True else units return target
[docs] def prepare_binary_op( obj: BaseQuantity, other, op, swap: bool ) -> Tuple[BaseQuantity, BaseQuantity, "Unit", float]: """Prepare inputs for a binary operation. Returns: 1. The left operand (`obj` if `swap` is False else `other`). 2. The right operand. If units of `other` are different than `obj`, `other` is scaled. 3. Units for the result. In additive operations, the units of `obj` take precedence. 4. Any scaling factor needed to make units of `other` compatible with `obj`. """ # Determine resulting units result_units, factor = obj._binary_op_units(other, op, swap) # Apply a multiplicative factor to align units if rank(op) == 1 and factor != 1.0: other = super(type(obj), other).__mul__(factor) # For __r*__ methods left, right = (other, obj) if swap else (obj, other) return left, right, result_units, factor
[docs] def collect_attrs( data, attrs_arg: Optional[Mapping], kwargs: MutableMapping ) -> MutableMapping: """Handle `attrs` and 'units' `kwargs` to Quantity constructors.""" # Use attrs, if any, from an existing object, if any new_attrs = getattr(data, "attrs", dict()).copy() # Overwrite with values from an explicit attrs argument new_attrs.update(attrs_arg or dict()) # Store the "units" keyword argument as an attr units = kwargs.pop("units", None) if units is not None: new_attrs["_unit"] = pint.Unit(units) return new_attrs
[docs] def rank(op) -> int: """Rank of the binary operation `op`. See `‘Hyperoperation’ on Wikipedia <>`_ for the sense of this meaning of ‘rank’. """ return { operator.add: 1, operator.sub: 1, operator.mul: 2, operator.truediv: 2, operator.pow: 3, }[op]
[docs] def single_column_df(data, name: Hashable) -> Tuple[Any, Hashable]: """Handle `data` and `name` arguments to Quantity constructors.""" if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): if len(data.columns) != 1: raise TypeError( f"Cannot instantiate Quantity from {len(data.columns)}-D data frame" ) # Unpack a single column; use its name if not overridden by `name` return data.iloc[:, 0], (name or data.columns[0]) else: return data, name